Chapter 17: Harry's Offer

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"Why is it when something happens it is always you three?" McGonagall asked exasperately to the trio.

"Believe me, professor, I have been asking myself the same question for the past six years," Ron replied helplessly.

We were back on Hogwarts ground; to be more specific, we were back in Hogwarts' hospital wing. Poor Madam Pomfrey hadn't had a single second to spare as she maneuvered Katie awkwardly so as not to touch her skin. Her physical body seemed nothing less of a cadaver as the color flushed out of her face. Her eyes were shut tightly and she seemed tormented. It was just us in the space, alongside Hagrid. Madam Pomfrey was conjuring up some soothing remedy for Katie, but the attempts would be futile. She was treating it as if it were a jocular spell cursed on her by some kids.

"Leanne..." Professor McGonagall began to grow a little impatient as she asked her for the third time to recount what happened.

The four of us, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I were all backed up away from the entire scene. Everyone was too busy dealing with Katie and Leanne's incessant sobbing. I was half afraid she would faint. Hagrid was rushed to tell the rest of the students at Hogsmeade to return as Leanne finally began to muster up some coherent thoughts.

"She just flew," she sobbed. "She flew into the air and started to shriek hysterically. I called out her name but she seemed unconscious. And then all of a sudden she fell onto the ground without another word."

"Did someone jinx her unexpectedly?" Professor McGonagall inquired immediately, her eyes practically glued to Leanne as she waited for her to continue; Leanne, however, began to sob more as she sniffed uncontrollably. I could not contain myself anymore.

"Professor," I started. "Please get Professor Snape."

McGonagall was powerful; there was no doubt about that. But her specialty was transfiguration, not dark arts. Snape could undo the curse if he puts his will to it; McGonagall could not. She frowned at me with an unhinged expression as she realized what I was holding. She did not notice the package in my hand until now. I carefully unwrapped the scarf and the paper package as she let out a horrified gasp. Madam Pomfrey stared with an equally petrified expression.

"Where-?" McGonagall began breathlessly before I cut her through.

"There is no time," I said exasperatedly. "Please."

She understood the urgency and left without another word. My stomach fumbled as my mind played through all the possible things Snape could say to me. I knew clearly that he despised me. I was just a plaintiff, not a perpetrator. It appeared likely that Snape would manipulate the plot and point the knife at me, but I hoped McGonagall had some common sense to believe me. Madam Pomfrey was in total distress as she hastily picked up one concoction after another.

"It's no use," Hermione whispered to Ron, who looked petrified. So were Hermione and Harry. Maybe they were all good friends with Katie.

My hands were beginning to sweat. My forearms were bitterly sore from holding the package; fortunately, footsteps started to echo outside the door as it swung open.

"Poppy!" McGonagall cried as she rushed over next to the bed. "Severus, do what you can..."

Snape did not inquire or give us more attention. He peered at Katie with a frown on his face.

"Levare," he whispered, pointing his wand tip directly at Katie. I assumed he was lifting her curse as he took her palm. This way, he was able to touch her without the transfer of the curse.

"Well?" Madam Pomfrey asked anxiously, her voice barely a whisper.

We were all waiting for a definite answer. I did not know Leanne, but I did not want her to die.

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