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Everything was silent, only the sound of a knifes slash against the skin of a human. It almost felt slow, but it wasn't. The piercing scream of a woman running towards her headless boy.

The small child, only eight, laid lifeless on the floor. Blood coming out of his neck making a pool of nothing but dark red. It was cursed sight to see, the smell of iron and flesh at the same time was sickening.

Until she woke up with a gasp, breathing heavily as she looked around her bed. Her heart racing until it died down. That moment haunted her deeply. It always had. It was a torture. She felt deserving for such thing to even happen.

How could she move on so fast? How could she start a new family after the slaughter of her past? How could she- "Deep breaths my love." The man gently says as he rubbed her back.

With no option, seeking for comfort, like a child coming out of a nightmare, she leaned against him, almost like she wanted to be one. The silent tears falling through her cheeks.

"My boys..." The woman whispered under her breath. "My boys and my little girl..." She repeated like a prayer, a prayer for her firstborn son to return. To come back. In one piece. She was pathetic in her thoughts.

The man looked at her with concern, he doesn't know how to comfort her, no matter how much time had pass. A mother will forever grieve her child.

She took deep breaths, trying to shake that scene out of her mind. It was eating her guts like a crow. She must not pressure herself. How many times must she speak this.

She was with child. She cannot lose this again. Again...

She must be careful, she already lost six children, she must not face this again. She cannot lose her children again. She had taken every will power not to go mad.

"They are in a better place now." The First Spinjitsu Master comforted the woman. "But they are supposed to be in my arms, my arms is the better place..." His wife spoke with her voice breaking.

"We must not dwell on the past now." He whispered in her ears, kissing her temple to comfort her. "Now my love, do not stress yourself."

She nodded and just leaned against her lovers shoulder. "It plagues me..." She muttered under her breath. "It will never stop..." She sighs as she placed a hand on her bump. "I must check on Garmadon." She says as she scooted to the side of the bed and got up a look of slight nervousness on her face, yet kept it hidden.

"Do you need my help?" The man asked. "I am gonna be fine, do not worry Aeron." She told the First Spinjitsu Master who nodded but kept a smile as his face.

Closing the door behind her, the floor creaked as she walked through the monestary's quiet halls until she reached her son's room.

Sensing as if her child was awake, she sild the door open. "Garmadon?" She called out to the boy until noticing a blanket in the corner of a bed seeming to be covering a child underneath it.

A small smile appeared on the woman's once nervous and grieving look. She walked towards his bed and sat on the end of it. "What are you doing, child?" She asked as she gently took the blanket away.

"I had a nightmare mother..." The small brunette haired boy whimpered. She sat closer to him and pulled him in her arms. "It's alright my boy, no one's here to harm you... Your father and I are here." She comforted the boy.

"I am scared mother..." He says as he buried himself against her. "The monsters scares me..." He confessed.

The woman frowned at the confession. "My dear boy, there is no such thing as monsters. They are not one of existence." She says while caressing his hair. "Now, why don't you go to sleep once again?" The woman insisted.

"Can you read me a story, mother?" The boy asked with pleading eyes. The woman looked unsure, she had not have any stories ready for him yet. "What kind of story do you wanna hear my boy?" She asked.

"I wanna hear the story of the Dragon's battle!" Garmadon says with excitement. The woman kept silent, eyes widening at the recommendation. "Please?" Garmadon insisted.

"Alright... It all started with a King and a Queen..." The woman began.

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