21| Secret

159 4 17

So it was requested by mykoffi

So in this AU Kai and Cole are in a secret realationship, and no one knows abaut it. Just them. Till one day when they went to walking in the city.....
(Or i probably gonna change this a bit)

I hope this what you wanted. Enjoy it guys!!


Kai's POV:

I was in my bed with my boyfriend. I loved sleeping with him. I love him. Its just. I want to be with him more, but we can't.

Our realationship is a secret to everyone and i dont want anyone to know. Its not because i hate him or our realationship is embrassing to me. No. None of these.

Its just. Im scared. Im screard of their reaction. Will they think we're disgusting? Or they would accept it. Im scared. I really do scared.

I dont want to see Cole sad. It would broke my heart. He is the love of my life. I love him with my full heart.

I love cuddling up with him. He is so warm. I know im the master of fire but when i hug him i feel like that we swapped roles. You understand what im trying to say?

I need to wake up. He pulls me back. "Just 5 more mins." I looked at those beautiful eyes that he already closed.

"Sorry honey, but i need to go..." I told him but he just moved closer to my waist. "Please. Baby. Just some more minitues. Please."

I loved him and i just smiled. He was so adorable like this. "But Cole. I really need to go. Y'know the others might see us. Together in the same bed. Cuddling up. They would staring to suspect something."

He sat up and hugged me from behind.
"Oh. Right. But i want cuddles." I turned around. I now was on his lap. I grabbed his face. "We can cuddle up tonight again okay."

I then kissed him softly. "Can we go on a date then? Please." I chuckled. "We can ofc, but not a couple you know." I looked sad.

Cole lifted up my chin and now i faced him. "If you're ready, we can tell them."
I was worried. "No. Not yet. I need time. Where should we go?"

"Hmm. What abaut.... The park or?" I loved to see him thinking. It was one of the most adorable things i have ever seen. "Great idea hun." I kissed his forhead and he gave me a kiss.

I pulled away. "Whose room is this anyway. Mine or urs?" We looked around and he chuckled. "This is mine, so you need to sneak to ur room sweetie~" He said in an sudective voice.

"Fine. But a last kiss?" He kissed me and he and my tounge met. Someone knocked. We qickly pulled away and we listened. "Cole! You're awake yet?! Zane told me to warn you, if you dont come eating, all the breakfast are going to my stomach!!!!"

It was Jay and Cole panicked. "Im hungry." I kissed his cheeks. "Can you help me sneak out of this room?" He nodded and pointed to the door. I hid behind it and Cole opened the door.

"Hello, sleeping beauty! Go to the kitchen or Zane will be more mad, but anyway, did you see Kai? I wanted to warn him, but he wasn't in his room."

"Umm. No. I didn't see him this morning and you realize that i just woke up. I need to pee so you can go back to the kitchen." He nodded and i think he already left.

Cole grabbed my hands and we arrived to my room. He placed a kiss on my hand. "I can't wait for our date, firefly~." He winked then left. I just laughed a bit and i went to change.

After that i went downstairs and i saw that everyone were eating breakfast. "Good morning everyone!" They said back and i sat next to Cole in the table.

I held his hand under the table so no one can see us. "So guys. Im asking everyone now. What are your plans for today?" Lloyd asked while eating the bacon with eggs.

I looked at Cole who was already staring at me. We smiled at each other i then opened my mouth to speak, but Cole put his index finger in front of my mouth.

"I have plans for today." He told and i started to understand what he were trying to say. "Ummm. I have plans to." I said and i put a nervous smile on my face.

"O-okay?" Lloyd said and i let go off Cole's hand. "And i think its time to go for me. BYEEEEEE!!!" I sad and i ran out of the monastery. I waited for Cole and i heard he said almost the same as me.

When he got outside i glared at him. "What is the matter with this scary look babe?" I still glared at him and he tried to give me a hug and a kiss but i didn't let him.

"You said extact the same as me! What if they starting to get suspect something and they wanna spy on us?!" He apologized. "Im sorry firefly. I just didn't know what to say.."

I sighned at him. "Baka. Anyways its time to go now." And we went to the city without holding hands, cause we didn't want to get exposed.

We were just walking a lot of places. A lot fans. It wasn't peaceful. Me and Cole just went to on top of Cyrus Borg's tower. We spend all of our day in there.

Finally we could be a couple. I put my hands on top of Cole's and i put my head on Cole's shoulder and he put his head on mine.

"I wish we can have more time together. As a couple not fake friends." He grabbed my hands and he put a kiss on my forhead.

"I think its time to tell them and after that, we can be together all day." I shocked that Cole wants to tell them. Isnt he scared or sad? Isnt he scared abaut the others opinion?

"You're not scared?" I asked and he shocked. Chuckled. I love when he did that. "Scared of what? Their opinion? I dont give a f^ck. If they would think that we're disgusting, i would move away from them to a place where we can live together. Dont tell me you scared do you?"

I looked him and i just teared a little. "I did actually, but i never thought of this plan before. Thank you." I said kissing his cheeks."We should head back, the others might wodering where are we."

"Yea you're right. Lets just hope that they are sleeping for now." I smiled and i hugged Cole he hugged me back and we headed back.

We were holding hands hoping that the other's are sleeping. We saw that the whole monastery were dark so we wanted to make no noise.

"Kai Smith and Cole Brookstone!"

We got traumatized. The lights turned back and we saw all of our teammates standing in front of us. "Ummm. Good night everyone! How was your day?" I asked and laughed nervously and Jay came closer.

"Where have you been guys all day, and why are you guys holding hands?" We quickle got out from each hands and Cole spoke up.

"Beacuse. Umm. I-" he couldn't speak. I needed to speak. "Beacuse we're- a- a c-couple!" They were shocked. "You two?" I nodded and Cole did too. We blushed.

"For how long?" Pix asked us. I started to think. I think i forgot it. "I think.... 1 day, weak, month... no. 1 year! Yea yea." I said proudly. "1 YEAR?!" They shouted.

"We wanted to keep it as a secret..."

After that everyone told that they were suspecting one or two things and they accepted us the way we are. I so happy rn. I ended up cuddling up with Cole -this time- in my bed.

We can now sleep peacefully without worrying that the others might see us...




~word count: 1382~

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