5 - Ginny

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TW: Portrayal of drug use and addiction.

On my way to the hospital, I stopped for a brief moment to admire the fireworks. Sadly, I would not get to enjoy the 4th of July party I put so much effort into. Instead, I would be pumped full of poppy seed in order to survive my mate's infidelity. Pardon, insemination for the sake of the pack's future. Somehow, using the politically correct language didn't do anything to lessen the pain, physical or emotional.

After the fiasco of trying to stoically withstand their first fuck-fest, I'd decided that I would treat myself to sweet oblivion the second time. The added bonus of the painkillers was that my wolf was dormant for a few days afterwards so I didn't have to smell the vanilla bitch on my mate until he sweat her out so I hoped for the same effect this time around. I ran my tongue over all my teeth and theatrically sucked in my cheeks a few time to relax my face before entering the hospital; with the pitying looks awaiting me I didn't want to seem even more tense and pathetic. Deep down I knew it was wrong to put on a serene face for them – who cared what they thought? Also, I was tense. And my situation was pathetic. Why not be honest about it? Who was I doing favors by pretending to be okay with any of this?

"Good evening, Luna," the young nurse greeted me.

"Let's just get this over with," my abruptness unsettled her.

That was a start. They prepped me and put me in a gown, and all the while I let my emotions play out on my face. It felt refreshing. When they attached the IV to my arm and I feel the first hit of the calm, all I could think was so this is what letting go feels like. I like this. I want more of this.


Two weeks later, I was visiting old Mrs. Hemsworth, one of our widowed wolves who had no one left. This time, Liam and I were scheduled to keep her company for an afternoon. She liked to bake, so that is mostly what we did together and I genuinely enjoyed her company. All of a sudden, I felt the first tell-tale signs of cramping in my lower abdomen. The pain was familiar, but it couldn't be? Pretty soon another wave hit me and knocked out all the remaining doubt I felt.

"Liam," I clutched his arm with my claws. "Take me to the pack house."

Both he and Mrs. Hemsworth looked at me, puzzled.

"Now!" I screamed with my canines extending.

With him supporting most of my weight, we made it to the car. I writhed and cried in pain while clutching my stomach, and pretty soon he had a good idea of what was happening to me. The warrior we stumbled upon in front of the pack house told us that the Alpha was in his office so we made our way up the stairs, Liam basically carrying me. All in all, I reckon it took us about 20 minutes from the moment I started feeling the pain.

I ripped the door open, feeling like it would fall of its hinges from the force of it, and found my mate standing next to his whore, zipping up his pants while she was tucking her blouse back into her skirt. Their faces were flushed and their hair mussed - even without the mate bond pain it was pretty clear what had happened here. I think both my and Liam's face must have shown such disgust that Henry had the good sense to look away and appear ashamed, while she pulled her shoulders back and met my gaze squarely. She couldn't hold it for too long, her wolf being weaker than mine, but nevertheless she tried, thereby disrespecting me even more than she already had.

Now that the pain was gone, it took the anger with it, and all that was left was sad resignation. I did not want to fight for Henry. Our relationship was beyond repair as far as I was concerned. I just wanted to not be in it anymore, to not be here. And the only way I could do it was medicine. I turned around and went back downstairs, Liam following behind me.

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