19 - Regina

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David kissed me some more and then walked me to my room. We held hands and went as slowly as was possible, often bumping sides as if we were being pulled together by strong magnets. In front of my door, he stopped and leaned his shoulder against the wall, crossed his arms, and looked at me in a way that could only be described as loving.

"When do you leave?" I asked, uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

"The day after tomorrow."

"So soon?"

"Yeah, we've been working on the process for a while now, and I was debating with myself whether to go or not. I really didn't want to, but I think it's for the best. My wolf hates me," he laughed. "But he loves you more, so he'll be fine. Speaking of him, I want to give you something to hold onto while I'm gone," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny white braid that looked like it could fit into my palm nicely.

"What is this?" I asked as I reached for it.

"It's made from my wolf's fur, it's a mating custom from my mother's pack."

"Oh, that is so sweet! And slightly creepy," I frowned. "What is it supposed to symbolize?"

"It's me giving you a part of myself, and the females often weave it into their own hair, as a symbol of merging the mates' bodies and souls together. Helen wears hers in a small braid in the back of her hair."

"I never noticed hers. Hold on, random question, is Helen going to Spruce Mountain too?"

"No, she'll be holding down the fort with John while I'm gone. Alpha Dominic from the Massachusetts pack will join me to help out there."

"Okay, now back to the topic at hand. Should I weave the braid into my hair as well?"

"If you want to. I'd be happy if you simply held onto it in any way you like."

"Like on a key chain?" I teased, but he just shrugged.

"If that's what you want."

"Okay," I whispered, feeling vulnerable all of a sudden.

"One more thing. Could you please stay in my room while I'm gone?"

"Sure, why not," I smiled and he looked relieved.

"Feel free to go through my stuff and change anything you don't like."

"Okay. As for tonight, are we still pretending your wolf doesn't sleep with me every night?"

He gave me a mischievous grin. "Let's pretend for two more nights, unless you want me to come to your room right now?"

"Let's pretend," I said as my wolf growled at me. Same, girl, same.


The next morning at 10, I arrived at the hospital for my check up with Dylan. He checked my vitals, drew some blood, ordered an MRI to review the internal scarring that I had when I was admitted and then sat me down for a conversation once I changed out of the hospital gown.

"Everything looks good, Regina. Much better than it was, your wolf is a strong one so you're healing quickly. Have you shifted yet?"

"Not yet. I was going to go for a run later today. I am somewhat scared, to be honest," I admitted and Dylan nodded compassionately.

"I can only imagine. How long has it been since your last shift?"

"I can't even remember," I grimaced. "Probably around the time I tried escaping my old pack. More than six months ago? I feel awful."

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