21 - Transcripts

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Excerpts from Dr. Vera Jackson's transcripts

Date: February 3, 2021

Dr. Jackson: "Patient no. 49675, 25 y/o female, after years of infertility issues and failed fertility treatments experienced repeated infidelity in her mating. In order to cope with the physical and emotional pain, the patient turned to substance abuse. Her mate indirectly supplied her with the drugs, had her subjected to unlawful imprisonment, corporal punishment, forced her to witness the murder of a maternal figure, and the tragic sequence of events ultimately ended with her murdering her mate to escape being held in his home against her will.

Based on briefly meeting with her and going over her court testimony given under Alpha command, I hypothesize that the patient exhibits difficulty trusting people, hyper-vigilance, low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness, as well as experiences negative thoughts about herself that hold her back from fully enjoying her life."


Dr. Jackson: "Did you have time to write up your therapy goals?"

Patient no. 49675: "I did. The pamphlet you gave me really helped. Here."

Dr. Jackson: "Oh no, I'd prefer it if you read them to me, please."

Patient no. 49675: "Alright. I would like to stop my mind from spiraling, that's the first one. I would also like to build trust towards my mate, to stop projecting my trauma on him. I would like to make sure I am never addicted to drugs again. I would like to deal with the trauma I've experienced in a way that allows me not to be as affected by it anymore. I would -"

Long pause.

Dr. Jackson: "Let it out, it's okay."

Patient no. 49675: "I would like to grieve Dorothy without feeling like I don't have the right to. I would like to feel worthy of love, and be brave to take another chance on it. I would like to be able to set and enforce boundaries with my mate's public office, and stop worrying about pleasing people."

Dr. Jackson: "Those all sound like great and reasonable goals. I look forward to working on them together."

February 13, 2021


Dr. Jackson: "So what I hear you saying is that you felt abandoned by your mother?"

Patient no. 49675: "That is correct. I mean, how else would you describe it?"

Dr. Jackson: "It's your mother, Regina, only you can answer that."

Patient no. 49675: "I know, I just – talking about her puts me on edge for several reasons."

Dr. Jackson: "Such as?"

Patient no. 49675: "Before, whenever she'd upset me or annoy me or criticize me, I'd go to Dotty and I'd vent. And at the end of the day, I wouldn't be too bothered by her because no matter what, I still had Dorothy. And now I don't anymore. And for some really bizarre reason, I am really angry with my mother for it. I know it doesn't make sense."

Dr. Jackson: "It doesn't have to make sense. The fact that you are experiencing the feeling in question is what matters and all that we care about here."

Patient no. 49675: "You're right. So why am I angry at her for something she had nothing to do with?"

Dr. Jackson: "Care to guess?"

Patient no. 49675: "Can't you just tell me, Doc?"

Dr. Jackson: "Come on, Regina."

Patient no. 49675: "My mother wasn't always there for me growing up, and she delegated much of her mothering to Dorothy. She is the reason why Dorothy was in my life. She is the reason why Dorothy was valuable enough to me to be used as a bargaining chip against me. Oh God, I'm going to be sick."

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