12 - Ginny

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I've been fixing some typos in previous chapters this morning, I apologize if you got senseless notifications from me updating the chapters! Happy reading!

Ever since I'd arrived at the Royal Pack, I'd been extremely warm at night, which was not what one would expect in the Rockies. It must have been a side effect of all the different drugs I'd been on in the last six months, or a reaction to all the adrenaline leaving my body. Whatever the reason, I started my day with a cold shower like I did every day, before getting ready for the meeting I was scheduled to attend at the King's office.

"Luna Regina!" The King's brother, John, greeted me warmly. We'd met several times over the years and we always got along really well. He was so much like his late father.

"Hello, Prince John," I said politely, and he playfully wagged a finger at me. "None of that nonsense now, please call me John."

"Only if you call me Regina," I retorted and it was settled.

"Regina," the enchanting voice called and I turned to David. "This is my Beta, Helen Rawlins."

"Hello, Beta Rawlins," I greeted the woman whose petite figure, I was sure, belied the strength within. I knew I'd immediately sense her strong aura if my wolf were awake.

"Please, it's Helen. Nice to meet you," her manner was brusque and efficient, which I liked. It reminded me of Calum and felt a bit sad.

"You as well."

With the introductions out of the way, Prince John and I sat down on one side of the Alpha's desk, David on the other, and Beta Helen simply remained standing behind him.

"I don't know if you know this Regina, but my brother is now the chief administrator of the Crown and Royal Court," David explained, and I wasn't surprised. John had spent all of his life at Court, serving the Crown, always by his father's side, working hard and learning from him. "So tomorrow he and I will preside over the trial together. He normally does this alone, so he can better explain how the whole process works," he nodded at his brother, who immediately launched into an explanation:

"The Alphas, Lunas, and Betas of all American packs will arrive at Court tonight and we'll hear testimonies of all parties involved over the next three days, after which we'll pass a verdict based on everyone's votes. The majority wins. All those participating will be subject to a royal Alpha command – those testifying will be commanded to tell the truth, and those voting, to vote justly in accordance with their beliefs and values," John scanned my face briefly, as if to check whether everything was clear, and then continued:

"There are two charges being brought against you," this sentence made me queasy, "one is related to mate disputes and is, obviously, the murder of your mate," he glanced at David, somewhat uncomfortable. "The second one is related to territory and power, and you're being charged with the underhanded murder of an Alpha without an official challenge," he concluded and words weren't enough to express my shock at the phrasing of the charge, as accurate as it was. Nothing was further from my mind than taking Henry's pack and power, yet that's what I technically did. I felt the familiar tension of a strong jaw clench taking hold of my face. I saw Helen observing me intently before she spoke:

"May I ask what your principal concern about the process is?"

I met her striking blue eyes and admitted: "I dread facing all those familiar people and their horrible judgmental minds, as well as airing out my private problems in front of an audience. But I understand why it is necessary. I am also horrified at the thought that someone might think that I did what I did for some power grab," I explained and she nodded.

"Well, trust the command. No one will be able to lie and everyone will have to vote justly, so you have nothing to worry about."

I was touched by the faith these three people seemed to have in me, as unfounded as it was. I needed to stop worrying about what those other Alphas and Lunas thought. I remembered that pig Larson and what Henry had told me about him, and I was more determined than ever not to take anyone's opinion into account. Caring what others thought of him in matters that were none of their business was, after all, a big part of what ruined Henry's life. There was only one question left to ask:

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