10 - Ginny

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TW: gore.

I slowly lifted my heavy eyelids and, to my horror, found myself in the bedroom I used to share with Henry a lifetime ago. I looked down at my body and found it clean and dressed. A female entered, an Omega I vaguely remembered, and she was startled to see me awake.

"Hello Luna, how are you feeling?"

"Confused. What am I doing here? Who dressed me?"

"I did. The Alpha brought you in this morning and left you in my care. Doctor Warren also came by to check up on you. I brought you some food," she nodded her head at the tray she was holding.

"I'm not hungry."

"Alpha's orders," she looked away, clearly uncomfortable. "It's mostly broth anyways. Please try to eat, Luna."

I wondered whether she was as afraid of my mate as I was. I sat up and motioned for her to bring the broth over. I ate several spoons of the thick, rich broth before I had to stop. It was too much too soon.

"What's your name?"

"Jessie, Luna."

"Thank you for the broth, Jessie, it was delicious."

"You should be thanking yourself, Luna," she smiled. "I used the one I found in your freezer."

I chuckled and was amazed at how I was still capable of the simple human gesture. Somewhere in my freezer, there existed a batch of broth that was made and frozen at a point in time when Dorothy was still alive. Would one be able to taste that moment while eating it or did it disappear in the process of thawing? Lost in those thoughts, I didn't even notice that Jessie had left. My body was weakened by the weeks (months?) of starvation and darkness. I made a mental note to ask Jessie what date it was. The door opened and I immediately wanted to know:

"Jessie, -" I looked up and saw the once loved and familiar male standing in the door frame, his eyes trained on me. I whimpered as I frantically crawled backwards on the bed until I reached the headboard, and then I started looking around the room for a weapon to defend myself.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Ginny," he said quietly and I almost believed him. The asshole had the audacity to look hurt at my reaction. I just shook my head.

"Don't come closer."

"I won't," he held his hands up in surrender. "I'll stay right here. How are you feeling?"

"What am I doing here? Why did you bring me here?"

He seemed to consider his response carefully.

"This is your home, Ginny."

My face must have clearly shown my confusion and disbelief, because he added: "I know now that you were innocent, Ginny. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you before. I deserve your reaction to me, what I did was unforgivable, but I am your mate and we will work on this, we will get through this."

Some sixth sense in the back of my mind prickled, and I took a good look at Henry. His eyes seemed wild, and his hair and clothes were unkempt, and there was just something off about him. Why did he believe in my innocence all of a sudden? Where was his whore and their pup? Many questions needed answering and I got the sense that I had to ask them elsewhere. When I remained silent, he said:

"We will eat dinner together downstairs. Wear the green dress you wore when we went to your sister's mating ceremony," and he left.

I decided to search the room to see if I could find anything that could be used as a weapon, either on me or on him, but there was nothing. In one of the bedside tables I found a braid. A braid that looked like it was made from my hair, to be exact. It was washed and combed and braided nicely, and thinking about how he got it and why he kept it next to his bed just made me sick. Oh God. Was he going to sleep in this bed with me? Panic flooded my body and my flight response kicked in. I looked at the window and decided – I would jump. It wasn't high up enough to die on impact, but in my weakened state it could still do significant damage. Besides, I felt I was still a prisoner, so maybe the guards would kill me during my escape attempt. Anything had to be better than staying here and wondering whether the murderer would come join me at bedtime.

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