Up And Down Part 2 to Welcome to the Real World

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Up And Down Part 2 to Welcome to the Real World

The group of royals had gone to Rivendell, and Xander and Scott had ran into each other when they were walking around…

Xander: Scott!

Scott: Xander! {His wings flutter to his side}

Xander: Sco-

Scott: I don’t want to talk! {His wings open blocking}

Xander: {Teleports in front of him and grabs him} Where going to talk one way or another little brother! Now stop being stubborn!

Scott: {Mutters a spell}

a lighting strike hits the ground between them and Scott flutters away…

Scott: Like I said, we can talk later! I’m in the middle of something!

Xander: Scott Alphin Major, I’m not in the fucking mode for your bullshit, so can we fucking just talk, or I will teleport you with me!

Scott: Xander!

Xander: I’m not joking!

Scott: {Groans, his wings fluttering violently down ice scattering} Fine! Lets talk! {Looks to the others} Sorry about this, but I’m not dealing with my brother bullshit right now!

Gem: It’s fine Scott!

Scott: Lets go Xander!

Xander: {Grabs Scott hand and-}

With The Brothers

Scott: You better have a good reason for this Xander!

Xander: {Takes off his jacket showing the corruption mark on his shoulder} ….

Scott: X…Xander…

Xander: That why my outbursts are worse, and why I’m pushing myself away from everyone!

Scott: Xander is this about?

Xander: What I did to your wings? Of course if fucking is! Scott we both know that even though your wings were not damaged and the feather healed back that if you move the feather there a black scar across your left wing, and it was my fault! I hurt you, I don’t wanna do it again, but I’m gonna, I am frustrated with you it’s true, that doesn’t help, what I said about you being the golden child was me…

That is actually canon to my main au! In any version of Scott wing, if you move the feather enough without affecting the breeding effect with his wings you will see the scar on his left wing!

Scott: I didn’t want it, and everyone think the golden child has it all, but if we have to be perfect…

Xander: I’m sorry Scott, I don’t know how much more time, it slows back over time especially around you thanks to Aeor blessing being with you but, I can’t be around you or the corruption curse makes me violent….

Scott: {Pulls Xander into a hug, and Aeor magic gives a small glow}

Xander: {Leans in as his eyes flicker red, but go back to normal} I’m sorry about all this…

Scott: It’s fine Xander… {His magic glows and a nether flower appears and he puts it in Xander hair} I love you know that big brother!

Xander: I love you to…


Scott: {Walks into the garden} Oh there you guys are!

Joel: Change of clothes?

Scott: My mother!

fWhip: What did she say?

Scott: Her words exactly where, “A Prince of kingdom of high standard like Rivendell especially the Crown Prince must always look the part!” {Goes over to the group fixing his dress as he sits down}

Shelby: You ok?

Scott: Yeah… Also guys, please mind Xander, I know you all the curse & blessing that lies on Rivendell…

Sausage: Who has?

Scott: I have the blessing of Aeor, my poor health doesn’t show it, and Xander has the corruption curse, and that comes with Xeor’s blessing…. So please do mind him….

Tango: Nope I’m done! {Goes over and pulls Scott into a hug, your hiding everything again starlight, you told us you would tell us everything….

Scott: Sorry…

Lizzie: Jimmy, is this your other boyfriend?

Jimmy: ….Yeah, me, Tango, & Scott are in a relationship….

Gem: Explains a lot!

Scott: {Yawns slightly} Damn it, I forget how warm you always are…

Tango: Perks of being a blazeborn, and a phoenix, but you ok, you seem tired…

Scott: Acho couldn’t sleep last night so I stayed with him, and I couldn’t fall asleep so I had done my school stuff, and Crown Prince stuff…

Tango: {His wing open pulling Scott In} Rest, and no arguments…

Scott: {Sighs and snuggles closer}

Tango: {Smiles softly}

Jimmy: He’s already asleep, like clockwork when it comes to Tango warmth…

Tango: {Smiles his wings keeping him close}

Scott: {Cue’s softly leaning closer}

Short but sweet…

My Name Is Ella Shade and I am “One of Us!”

Words: 746 Characters: 4062

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