Forty Eight-Lillian ❤️‍🩹

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  A/N: It's a little bit steamy ahead 😏still no spice though!    

  Breathless, we stumbled through the backdoor, our faces red and our fingers numb. Our skates dangled by their laces, while our free hands were linked between us. We'd gone outside just after lunch, but now the sky was a deep purple, painted with traces of orange over the trees. This was what we had done all week: spent the mornings working and doing chores, then skating all afternoon until the sun had set. It was like sleeping through a magic dream that I never wanted to end.

        "You're getting better," I said, smiling as I set my skates down on the boot tray by the door.

        Logan raised an eyebrow. "Was I that bad a few days ago?"

        "You're getting faster. You're getting tighter on your turns," I replied.

        "Thanks. And thank you, for skating with me. It's been really fun," he said, returning the smile. I couldn't tell if the rosy glow on his cheeks was a remnant from being in the cold or if he was blushing.

        "It's been fun for me too," I said, heading over to front door to hang up my coat. My hat, scarf, and gloves went in front of the heater grate, hot air hopefully enough to dry them out. 

        Coming back into the kitchen, Logan was rummaging through the cupboards. "I think we're out of hot chocolate," he said, standing on his toes to see the top shelf.

        "Sorry; I must've forgotten to buy more," I said, silently berating myself. "Drink some water, still. You're more dehydrated than you realize."

        He nodded, reaching for his water bottle and filling it at the sink. I found my own bottle and stood next to him, waiting. It was still so strange to see him standing taller than me after seeing him sitting for so long. Logan was six two, which was tall for a defenseman. One time I'd asked him about it, upon which he'd bashfully explained that his range of motion and nimbleness were so good that his height didn't matter.

        "You're staring," he remarked, breaking my train of thought. The half-smile, half-smirk on his lips had my stomach twisting itself in knots.

        "I can't stare at you just because you're my pretty boyfriend?" I asked, faking sadness.

        "Well, you can, but I'm probably going to call you out on it," Logan laughed, stepping aside and screwing on the lid of his water. "I'm not used to such beautiful women staring at me."

        I snorted, trying to cover up the furious blush overtaking me. "That's not true. Also, that might be the cheesiest thing I've ever heard."

        "Of course it's true," he said simply, stealing a kiss on my cheek before moving to dry his hands. 

        More butterflies, these ones more aggressive than the last. Shutting off the water and drying my hands, I said, "Logan, stop, you're going to make me want to kiss you."

        His eyes were glittering with delight. "Yeah? Maybe you should."

        "Okay," I giggled, slipping my arms around his waist and meeting him halfway in a kiss that could only be described as adorably sweet. His smile was enormous against my lips as he lifted me off my feet, my legs hovering several inches off the floor. It didn't last very long and I was set down a moment later, but he was still kissing me. 

        Until he was drawing back, the laughter in his eyes slowly fading. I was mesmerized by his gaze as he gently brushed his thumb over the curve of my jaw, his touch burning away my skin. Silently, his hand slid to the nape of my neck, his fingers becoming tangled in my hair.

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