Thirty Four-Lillian ❤️‍🩹

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        Pacing outside the waiting room, I was on the phone with Jack. It was now four in the morning, and while normally I would've felt guilty about waking him up, he had insisted that I call him whenever there were emergencies. This definitely constituted as an emergency.

        Logan had been admitted a half hour ago, and the nurses had reported that he'd passed out about ten minutes after that. As soon as he was in a regular room, I would be able to see him. When that was, I had no idea. For now, I was camping out with the other worried families and friends. Thankfully, it wasn't very busy this time of night. 

        "Thank you, Dr. West. Call me again once you have an update," Jack said. "Do you need anything? I know you're probably pretty tired."

         "No, but thank you," I said, wearily glancing at the clock on the wall. Logan and I hadn't stayed up late, but I was definitely using up all my energy I'd gotten from the burnt coffee from the cafeteria. "I'll call you back later. Goodnight, and I'm sorry for waking you up."

        "No problem. Goodnight." Jack hung up, and I couldn't help but be envious of how he was probably in his nice, cozy bed right now.

        Putting my phone in my purse, I went back to the waiting room. I couldn't help but cringe at my bare legs touching the plastic seat, which was undoubtedly covered in several hundred diseases. My outfit was not one by choice; I hadn't had time to change out of my pajamas. Nor had Logan, but he was at least a patient. My pink leopard-print shorts and black tank top were not ideal for hospitals. It definitely wasn't professional, considering I was Logan's doctor. 

        "Lillian?" It was Nick, looking just as terrible as I did. His hair was going in about thirty different directions, and his sweats and t-shirt suggested he'd rolled out of bed maybe ten minutes ago. There were still creases on his cheek from where the blankets had been.

         "Hi," I said, standing up. I'd completely forgotten that I'd texted him, Eve, and Jennie. I hadn't even expected any of them to read the message, let alone show up at the hospital in the dead of the night.

        To my surprise, he hugged me, asking, "Are you okay?"

        "I'm fine, mostly just tired," I said, trying not to burst into tears. Being hugged in a time of intense stress was possibly the nicest thing he could've done for me.    

        "How is Logan?" he asked as he pulled away.

        "I don't know. I haven't seen him since we got here," I said, sitting down again. Nick took the seat next to me.

        "He was sick?" he asked anxiously.

        I nodded. "Nausea, dizziness. His wound looks...atrocious." Normally, I hated worrying family members. But the Kingstons honestly had made me feel like I was part of their family over the past few months. It was nearly impossible to put on my doctor face for them. "They said he passed out a while ago."

        Nick nodded, asking, "Was he okay last night?"

        "Yeah, I mean, you saw him. He was having fun with the girls, we ate dinner, went to bed," I said with a shrug.

        "I...I asked Lina not to tell them," he said, clearing his throat. "For now, at least."

        I gave him a faint smile. "That's kind of you."

        We sat in silence for a long time. So long that the sun began rising outside, the world beginning to brighten with oranges and yellows. Most of the nurses went home, the new crew coming in with tired eyes and thermoses of coffee. 

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