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I know I've been saying this a lot... but this feels like a dream.

The closet has clothing racks on either side, with shelves above them that span the whole length of the room and a cabinet at the end of the room that holds about fifty different pairs of shoes. I don't think I've ever seen this many clothes in my entire life.

Browsing through the outfits hanging neatly over the clothing hangers on the racks, I can already see that all of them follow the same principles: understated colors, high-quality fabrics, modest yet noticeably distinguished cuts. In other words, they're the slightly less flamboyant second-cousins of Edward's own clothes.

I can't deny that I enjoy the muted greens, blues and greys, and how soft everything in here feels. He must have spent a fortune on all of this. It is slightly weird to feel like I'm being dressed up by my father, but beggars can't be choosers... besides, there are most definitely way worse things than having a closet that looks like this.

At this point, nothing surprises me anymore; not even the fact that these clothes all fit me like a glove. I don't want to know and I don't need to know how Edwards knows my exact size. All I care about is that I don't look like a fool today...

Memories of Caden this morning play in my mind as I get dressed, and I can feel my cheeks light up. What possessed me to do that... I mean, it's not like I hadn't thought about it. He really is something else. But to actually kiss him, just like that? Was it too soon? We've barely known each other for a week and a half...

Well, there's no point obsessing over it now. What's done is done, and I don't regret it. My last kiss before that was three years ago, and it wasn't exactly a scene from a fairytale... I shudder thinking about how awkward it was. This on the other hand was nothing if not nice. He's not a bad kisser, even when he's too surprised to function properly... ugh, okay, I need to get going before I dwell on this any longer.

Putting Caden's key and the one to Edward's house that he's put on top of the nightstand in one pocket, I decide to slip a pack of gum and some money into the other. Now I'm all set to go, and I quietly walk through the hallways to avoid being picked up by Edward's insane hearing.

Having made it out onto the street, I notice a few dark clouds in the sky that I do not like the look of whatsoever. Deciding it would be best to rush this along, I take off down the sidewalk in the church's direction, glancing nervously upwards once in a while. A gust of wind blows my hair into my face, and I try my best to keep it out of my sight as I hurry over a crosswalk and take a left.

The white church stands in stark contrast to the increasingly grey sky, and I walk inside quickly to avoid being swept away by the growing wind.

Inside, it's a lot more bearable than the last time I was here. The scent of incense is only faint today, and the roses have wilted and are hanging their heads in the bulbous terracotta vases on either side of the altar. It's still cold in here, and I shiver as I make my way over to the door hidden behind the confession chamber.

After knocking twice, I stand there and think of what to say while I wait for it open, but for a long time it doesn't. Confused, I knock again - to no avail.

Okay... that's weird. I try the door, but this time, it's locked. With a puzzled frown, I look around the church, but nobody else is here. Could he have gone out?

It seems unlikely to me. Father Olivier doesn't seem like the kind of person who would just forget that I was coming back to see him today. Like he said, he does this for a living, so I refuse to believe it simply slipped his mind.

The sound of raindrops hitting the stained glass windows startles me, and suddenly, being here seems like a very bad idea. Ignoring the fact that it's already raining, I turn on my heel and walk briskly to the church doors.

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