Chasm of Death

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"Do you think the beast will find Sid?" "Or, uh, more importantly, us?" We hear Crash and Eddie behind us, and Buck quickly turns around to face them. "Rudy? Are you joking?" He asked and threw his sword into the ground. "He's relentless. He knows all. Sees all. Eats all." He scares Eddie and Crash. "So that's a yes." When he looked at me, I also looked at him with a little fear in my eyes. He came up to me and put a hand around my shoulder. "But with me, you must fear nothing." He told me, smirking. "Uh..." Crash said and pointed behind us. When I turned around, I saw something like a kind of face. I looked at it terrified and slid closer to Buck, but he didn't look scared or something like that; he looked a little offended. "Hey, get off my lawn! Go on. Shoo." He said, and I looked at him, surprised. I was more surprised when the 'face' disappeared and a huge butterfly came into view. The 'face' were just its wings. "I knew that guy when he was just a caterpillar. You know, before he 'came out'" He told us and put an arm around my shoulder, leading me farther. While the other looked at him speechless. "So you're just living down here by your wits, all on your own, no responsibilities?" "Not a one. It's incredible. No dependence. No limits. It's the greatest life a single guy could have," He answered, and after Diego heard that, he stopped in his tracks and talked to Manny. While Buck took a stone and made a kind of call. "That's you in three weeks."

We then arrived at a huge ravine with some greenish gas everywhere. "So, why do they call it the Chasm of Death?" Eddie asked. "Well, we tried Big Smelly Crack, but, uh, that just made everybody giggle." "Well, now what?" Manny asked, and Buck pulled on a branch. Suddenly a skeleton fell down like a kind of slide. "Madame, Love." He said and pointed to the Slide. I looked confused at the nickname but couldn't think about it long. "Woah, She is not doing that." "B-b-b-buh...Rule #1." Eddie raised his hand to answer, "Ah. Come on, mammoth. You're supposed to have a good memory." Buck said, and I then approached the skeleton. "Always listen to Buck." Ellie said and hopped on behind me. I had a hard time holding onto the skeleton, but it seems like Buck noticed and he approached me. He grabbed me by my arm and took a rope and put it ready, then he held me close. "Now, eyes forward, back straight and...oh yes, breath in the toxic fumes, and you probably die." "Toxic fumes?!" Ellie asked, surprised. "Just another day in paradise." He said. He cut the rope and I held onto him tight as he yelled: "Geronimo!"

We arrived at the other side, and Ellie stepped out carefully while Buck walked out there with me clinging to his side. I then quickly went down to the ground and looked away, a little embarrassed. He smirked and quickly went over to a stumb and got the skeleton back up to the others. "Ellie, are you okay?!" We heard Manny. "You have to try this!" "All right now, pile on, everyone." Buck said, and one minute later they all were stuck in the middle of the ravine.

"Don't panic! Just some. Uh, technical difficulties!" He yelled, and I looked to the ravine worried. "Keep holding it in, boys!" Suddenly, we heard Crash and Eddie laughing their asses off. And then also Diego. Buck went to the rope and climbed onto it. "Stop laughing, all of you!" "Stop laughing , all of you." Crash mocked him. "What's rule number one!?" We heard Manny and I looked at them, amused. "They're just laughing. What's so bad about that?" Ellie asked. "They died laughing." Buck said and pointed down to some skeletons. "Stop laughing!" Ellie and I yelled while Buck started making his way up to them. While Buck held his breath, he tried to get them over here, Manny tickled him. "Coochie, coochie, coo." And Buck let out his breath in surprise. "Stop that! Don't you get it?!" He said, and then his voice also got so high-pitched. "We're all gonna die!" And then he also started laughing.

Ellie and I looked at each other, and she signed annoyed. "We gotta do everything, huh?" She asked, and I nodded in annoyance. Ellie pulled at a rope, and they all came crashing to the ground next to us. They still laughed as they fell, but stopped soon. And Ellie and I looked down at them. "I'm not sure how much of that you could hear." "Oh, I heard all of it." "Right. Yeah." "You wet my bed?" Crash asked. "That was gas talk, dude." "Well, uh, better get moving." Manny said and I heard Buck's faint laughter. "Aren't we forgetting something?" Diego asked, and I looked to the rope. "Here Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!" He yelled as he slides down the rope. I looked closer, but then it was already too late; he came closer and closer until he hit me. I was on the ground with him on top of me. He still laughed until he slowly caught his breath. When he realized his situation, he quickly got up and held out a hand for me. I took it and he helped me up. "Alright let's go on." Buck said and we followed him through the next jungle.

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