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Hypno Pov-

"Sometimes memories are the worst form if torture." I stared At Sabre As he said this, Tears Running Down his Face as He rewatched Rainbow steve Die. I was Surprised that he said this However, He never seemed to be that kind of guy before.

"What do you mean?" I found Myself Asking. This wasn't the Sabre Everyone knew and Loved. No. This Was who was Under the Mask.

"Memories Like mine only Make Life worse," He started Again while Gesturing towards the memory in front of us before Changing it. It was Still Rainbow's Death but... Something was different. The scenery and Who all was There. "My Memories repeat into Real life more then once, Red Leader." He said as I watched him confused. "I met a Hypno Steve Before... He was A lot better then you however." Sabre Spat before Closing the Memory in front of him.

"What Happened to You?"

"..." He stayed silent before he Smiled. "As I said, Sometimes memories are the worst form if torture." He said as I looked over him, Sad and regretful.


M Pov-

"I can see it in your eyes. The Panic. What's Gotten you so Scared?" Sabre- No. Corrupted Sabre Said as I took a Step away from him.

"You aren't Sabre." I replied as He laughed.

"But I am Dear M~!" The Corrupted Version of Sabre Sang as He skipped Forward. I stepped Back.

"Stay Away from me!" I shouted as He stopped.

"oh~? Is M Fighting Back? You should know That I can do A Lot more then Sabre as I wont Hold back~!"

"I don't care. You aren't My Sabre. My Sabre is sweet and Kind and Will help everyone he can! He would Never Hurt someone like your Doing!" I exclaimed Gesturing towards Ross who was On the Ground, Unconscious and Badly Hurt.

"Oh dear M... You really don't understand do you? I am Sabre's Deepest Darkest Thoughts. I am Far Worse then Shadow or... End Crystal Sabre. You cannot escape me." He growled as I saw Hypno Steve Creep Up behind him.

"I might Not be able to Escape you but... I know Someone who Will Save me and Bring Sabre Back." I spat as The being Paused.

"And Who would that be?" He asked as Hypno Spoke up.

"Me Bitch!" He spat as He knocked him out with a Bat. "M bring him to the Lab."



Sabre Pov-

"You really have no Idea who I am?"

"You'd Think The Confused looks and Blank stare would have answered that for you." Shadow Spat at the Corrupted Version of me. I had hoped that he was gone forever but here he was! He looked almost the exact same as Before except without the Black Wings.

His Eyes Were still that Empty Black Void as He stared at Shadow before His Gaze turned to me.

"You really didn't tell Anyone about me Sabre? I am Insulted!" he exclaimed as I changed my Blank Stare into A Glare.

"Be insulted." I spat as Shadow Looked at me surprised while Corrupted just growled.

"Be A little nicer to your old Pal Corrupted will Ya?" He growled as I shrugged.

"Why would I? You helped Ruin my Life."

"I was fixing It."

"Were you now?" I asked as He froze.

"Well no but I did save your Brother!"

"He could have protected himself. You only caused them to go harder on him and Myself. If you Hadn't stepped in then I could have still been with my Family." I spat as Shadow Stepped between us and I started feeling Light headed.

"I wont let this mistake of a Being Take over you Sabre. Go Explain to everyone about this Thing."

"I am Not a Thing!" Corrupted Growled as I took Control back over my Body. This Would be hard to explain.

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