Untitled Part 17

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"I'm Trying my best to be polite, But if you move that knife a centimeter closer to me I will Tear you apart." The Non-steve threatened A yellow steve who merely laughed.

"Will you now?" He asked as He brought the Knife closer, Sealing his fate.

"I warned you." Was the last words He heard before The non steve lunged at him and Started tearing him apart him his Hands.


How long had he been here? He had started questioning if he could ever leave a long time ago. Maybe he shouldn't of left home. Now here he was, Trapped in a forest of never ending pain. Not knowing if his friends even missed him or if they Cared that he was gone.

The only thing the Non-Steve hoped for now was that someone would Find his Lost soul and Lead him home. He wanted to go home, To the Red colored houses and To see his Friends again.

He missed them all dearly. He didn't even remember what they all looked like anymore. Looking around the Spirit formed a body once more, Just to see if he could escape this never ending Nightmare. Seeing a Black figure, He followed, Hoping that it would bring him peace, or at least a new beginning.

 I might make a longer story with this-


"You know, Normal People don't have a basement full of Weapons Sabre." Onyx Commented as she looked over the Weapons, The steves nearby Standing there confused.

"I'll have you know that every single of these knives here have saved my life at least once." The male Countered while picking up a Knife. "This this one is my favorite."

"What about that gun over there?" Onyx asked as She gestured towards the rifle with a raised eye brow.

"Oh, That? That's just for decoration." He responded while shrugging. "I don't use guns, The steves also don't have them."

"Well, That's perfect. A surprise weapon that hurts." She said with a grin while grabbing the Rifle. "Lets hit them where it hurts.


"I'm not human. I never was. So why are you expecting me to act like one?" Sabre asked as Steves and humans alike looked at him shocked.

"Then what are you?" Professor Red asked while looking the Non-steve up and down.

"you really want to know Huh? Fine. I am a Fallen Avian. Does that explain anything for you?"


Sabre a 14 year old boy with no friends, His Hair is Brown and He covers his eyes with a Blindfold.

Hypno, His clingy protective vengeful Spirit that will stop at nothing to protect him.


This was perplexing.

He'd never had someone fail to die before after all. And yet here was someone who was still alive after everything he had went through. His name? Sabre.


 "where did you learn to pick a lock from?! You are eight years old!" The red Steve exclaimed as The young non-steve shrugged.

 "Guess that's what happens when you have to fight to survive." was his response


"At this point does it really matter if I die?" Sabre asked as The Cloaked steve grew angry.

"Yes! You complete dumbass! I still Love you!" M shouted

 "You Love me?" Sabre asked confused and Happy.

 "YES I DO!"

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