24 | not a boy anymore

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Carl didn't see her get out. He didn't see any of his friends make it out of there. If they had gotten out, he didn't see which way. And he didn't know how to track or hunt, not like Peyton and Levi did, hell, he was pretty sure Archer even knew how. Maybe they were looking for them. Maybe Carter and Beth were with Levi and Peyton. Maybe Maggie was with them. Maybe Daryl was. Or Michonne.

But Hershel wasn't. He was dead. And so was Robert.

And so was Judith. The bloody car seat had been more than enough to tell him so. His baby sister was gone just like his mother. And Robert, Hershel, Andrea, Merle, T-Dogg...

It was just Rick and Carl now.

And Rick was in bad shape. He'd been shot in the leg and his face was a swollen, bloody, bruised mess from his fight with The Governor. Carter had been the one to kill him.

"Carl go! I'm gonna go kill the bastard! You go help your dad!"

Carl had listened. And it was the last time he saw Carter. He wondered if he'd ever seen the boy with the dirty-blonde hair again. archer had been the first to run off, leaving Carl alone with Carter. And then Carter left him. He wondered if he would see Levi or Beth again. Would he see Peyton again? The girl he'd liked more than anything,  gone like the rest of his friends.

"Carl!" Rick wheezed as his son walked ahead of him. Carl was walking too fast for the beaten up man to get close, Rick couldn't catch up with his son.


The boy in the sheriff's hat stopped in the middle of the road. He let his battered father catch up.

"Don't look back..." Rick had said to him.

How could Carl not look back when the people he cared for most could still be trapped in the prison?

"Just keep walking..."

Carl wished that his friends were walking with him.


"This one's where I planned for us to go together," Levi sighed as he stopped in front of a house. It looked secure still, and if it wasn't they could fix it and make it secure. They didn't plan on staying longer than two days. The plan was to spend the night and go back to the prison first thing to see what supplies they could get out of the wreckage and try and figure out which way Rick and Carl got out. Levi was positive that Rick was not in good shape, and Levi had picked up a little bit of medical training from Beth, enough to help Rick when they found him. The Dawson siblings were fast, sneaky, and smart. He could get in and out before the walkers that flooded in would notice.


His mother's name. He hadn't seen her make it out. He had not seen her at all since before she came down with whatever flu had been killing people. He didn't know if she was even alive.

He could only assume the worst of his mother's fate. If she was a sick as the others,  as she was likely too weak to fight her way out.

He hadn't seen Daryl make it out either, but Daryl was perhaps the strongest of them all. Levi cursed the Governor for what he'd done, what he'd taken. He was just starting to get closer to his father, only to have it ripped away from him.

Maybe they'd find some of their friends, like Maggie or Glenn, or anyone. No one had stuck to his plan. But nothing had gone in their favor, certainly not for Hershel and Robert.


Levi didn't want to think of his grandfather then, but the image kept playing over and over in his head. The blade slicing into his neck like butter at the hands of a cruel, sick bastard.

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