30 | Aftermath

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." — Robert Frost.


The sun rose and life continued.

The investigation was still in pursuit and Phillipa was recovering.

Lin didn't want Pippa to go back to her apartment after being released in case Tyler came back, so he strongly encouraged the woman to stay with him. He wasn't sure if he was more scared of her well-being than she was.

Aaron, on the other hand, stayed at Emmy and Daveed's place. Initially, it was until Lin figured out what was happening with Pippa, however, once everything got back to some sort of normal she decided to stay.

No one questioned her decisions in the confusion and chaos, but once Pippa settled into the apartment it was clear a significant presence was missing.

Lin missed the girl.

He was so used to her being there when he got back from the theatre after a long day. He found himself checking her room to see if she was asleep only to be met with an empty room.

He didn't want to push the teenager as he was sure this incident uncovered some past hurtful memories for her, but he missed her company nonetheless.

The last time the two saw each other was three days ago. There have been no actual interactions between the pair.

The only information he has gotten is from Daveed and Emmy who say she is doing as well as she can be. Not as talkative, but attending school. As far as the couple knows she is sleeping decently.

These statements worry Lin. He is aware of how easy it is for Aaron to hide under the radar. He wasn't aware she wasn't sleeping until he heard her screaming in the middle of the night due to a night terror.

He wishes that he could be there for the girl, but doesn't want to make things worse by provoking more unwanted emotions.

Thinking of the girl makes him feel downhearted. He knows he should have reached out already. He feels like he got so caught up in Pippa's needs that he put aside and bypassed Aaron's. He decides to send the girl a little message:

How are you doing?
I miss seeing you after work.

He was surprised to find Aaron immediately responding.

I'm okay. Miss you too.
How is Pippa?

She's recovering the best she can.

H̶o̶w̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶i̶n̶g̶?̶

He almost hit send, but couldn't find himself doing it. He was saddened that the teen seemed more worried about Pippa than herself but didn't feel like this was a conversation over messages.

That is good to hear.
How are you?

I'm doing about the same.
It's my job to worry about you though, okay?

Okay. Goodnight, Lin.

Goodnight, Aaron. I love you.

I love you too.

That was all he could get out of the girl. Short answers that probably didn't hold the real truth. He defeatedly put his phone down and went to see what Pippa was doing.

He found the woman sitting at the kitchen table. There was a glass of water in front of her, but she seemed elsewhere.

"How are you doing?" The man asked as he pulled up a chair of his own.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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