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A/N: Story will be in Suyin's point of view.

I feel like someone's spiking me from above, making my story intro be like, 'Hello, I'm Suyin in an all white Asian school' like, what are the odds?

So, after the ceremony, Kang got up to walk out but was pulled back down by a boy. I was shocked, obviously because he didnt know. Ri-an from earlier walked out with Woojin and I following behind.


I actually got into Jooshin High because of my excellent grades in Technology and all Science subjects so the headmistress sought to put me in Admin Class A with both of those topics.

I sat in a seat at the back of the class and got out my laptop, waiting for the professor.

Students came in and filled the other four seats, all looking very autistic as always but I wasn't one to judge.

Soon, the professor came in.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm your new Admin professor, Vayi." She wrote her name on the board. "I've been informed of your curriculum for this year and decided to follow up on some last minute assignments I made."

A student, Jo-wan raised his hand.

"Yes?" Professor V, I'm calling her, nodded to him.

"Do these 'last minute activities' clash with the J-Team Community Retreat?"

His question was pretty good. Will my reason to live be gone?

"It does not." Professor V smiled. "As a matter of fact, you will have two weeks free before the J-TCR and one week free after, courtesy of the headmistress. She fears you guys worry yourselves too much."

A small red dim came to the lights in the room, causing the students to pack up.

"It's brunch time. See you back at 3 for final adjustments." Professor V packed up and exited the class.

I started packing up when a hand slammed down on my desk, making me jump from shock.

The boy who interrupted my inner thoughts, Lee-Jo, scoffed before dragging his chair to sit in front of me. "Anyways, where's my math homework?"

"I didn't get one..." I was internally shaking at the fact that I don't remember him giving me a book.

"Unbelievable, you really forgot his homework?" Another boy, Tae-Hyuk, came up with a small scowl, a plate in his hand.

I stayed quiet, seeing Lee-Jo seething in his spot.

"What do we do to students who forget to do their senpai's homework, Suyin?" Lee-Jo cuestiones, slowly rising from his spot.

I was now visibly shaking.

I am indeed in the top five of the school, but that only works with any of them around me. If not, I'm a basic student like the rest of them.

"I'm sorry...." I apologised, hoping it would cure their anger but they were like mighty lions being tempted to not eat a deer in front of them.

Why do I always have to mess things up for no reason?


"You're such an idiot, Y/n."

My brother hit me with the tenis ball we were playing with at his 6th birthday. But the adults laughed it off.

I was 7.


"You should just kill yourself. No one wants you anyways."

My first lover said after he was through with me and stormed out of my father's house like he owned the place.

I was 14.


"Get out of my sight!"

My second 'lover' laughed in my face while my father had shunned me in front of his friends after I came running down in torn clothing stained with my blood.

I have just turned 16.


"I'm serious." The look in his eyes was to be feared. "Do you even know why you're here?"

"No." I shook my head, pushing up my glasses from slipping.

"Because the last kid ignored me and left me with you...." He got cut off.

I heard chairs screech and turned to the sound, finding the appointed king standing with his bodyguard.

Many stopped in the hall to see what was going on.

"Good morning, sir!" The boys got up and bowed low.

But Ri-an kept his gaze forward, searching before he saw me.

I saw He-ra next to him with her ginger brownish hair smiling widely.

"Hey, techna." Ri-an walked in to stand in front of my desk, causing me to look up at him.

So graceful.

"Come watch practice." Ri-an kept his voice steady.

"Okay." I packed my things, grabbed my bag, and exited with the King.

If only those wretched memories would leave me alone.

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