Chapter 2

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Lea wakes slowly, a headache throbbing in her temples and an ache in her throat. It takes several moments for her to become aware of her surroundings. Blinking several times to clear her vision, she waits for her eyes to adjust to the darkness.

She finds herself restrained, tied tightly to an uncomfortable metal chair with thick ropes. Looking around, she can sort of make out some stacks of boxes. Where is she? Is this some sort of storage room or warehouse? She tugs on the ropes as she tries to clear her thoughts.

Those odd wizards took her! How could she be so stupid as to not keep her wand on her? Merlin, she can already hear the lecture Hermione will give her when she hears about this.

Just as she manages to make out a door at the far end of the room, the lights flick on. She's blinded for several seconds, blinking fast as footsteps come up from behind. The wizard, the cowboy one, stands before her, smirking. Lea bares her teeth in a snarl.

"Let me go!" She pulls on the ropes insistently. The wizard only chuckles.

"Now, why would we do that?" A female voice answers her. More footsteps sound and then a woman (witch?) is standing in front of her. The wizard backs up a few paces, giving the woman room. She's pale and has long, dark hair. Something's off about her, too, though.

"I fought a bloody fucking basilisk without a wand. I think I can handle you." Lea glares, ignoring the way that her insides tremble. Can she never catch a break?

The woman laughs. "Oh, you're a cutie. Do you really think that you look threatening in any way?"

Lea finally feels the prickle of magic on her skin. Thank Merlin. "Do you?" She snarls back at the woman, hearing and feeling the way her hair begins to spark from the static of her magic. She knows that if her hair is doing such, then her eyes must be glowing as well. Lea's never seen it happen, but she knows that it's been enough to have Draco Malfoy running away in the past.

The two wixen stare uncertainly at her for a moment before the witch straightens. "Honey, I doubt you could hurt a fly. Now, why don't you be a good girl and sit quietly while we wait on your brothers."

"If you touch one hair on Harry's head, I will KILL YOU!" Lea strains against the ropes, practically growling.

"Just Harry? I figured you'd be more worried about the other two. They're the reason you're here."

That gives Lea pause. What do the Winchesters have to do with anything?

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I've only known Dead Dean and Suspicious Sam for twenty minutes. They're not likely to care much for whatever trick you're playing."

The witch stares at her for a few moments more before humming and nodding to herself. "We'll see about that, sweetheart."

That seems to be where their conversation ends as the two leave and the lights shut off once again.

It's hard to keep track of time when there's no sign of night turning into day and back again. For Lea, it feels as if it's been a few days, but that could just be her mind playing tricks on her. Try as she might, she hasn't been able to break the ropes. Being weak from hunger and dehydration has made her control on her magic weak as well.

She hasn't seen any sign of the odd witch and wizards again. It seems as if they have left her here to die.

All the shit she survives and now she'll be taken out by her own stupidity. After everything her and Harry have been through, how could she possibly have been dumb enough to not keep her wand on her.

At least Harry is safe. Well, probably safe.

He seemed enthusiastic with the idea of having a family, their brothers. Maybe Sam and Dean will watch over her twin when she's gone.

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