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I stood in front of Cafe7teen, my hand hovering over the door handle. It had been a week since I had a break for myself, needing time to sort through everything, especially my emotions. My mind had been a whirlwind ever since that night Richard and I talked at the park and when he visited me at my house. I knew I had to face him and I have a café to run to so I had to muster all my courage and bring back what is me before Richard came into my life.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door. The familiar scent of coffee and pastries enveloped me, bringing a sense of comfort and normalcy. The café was bustling with the morning crowd. I scanned the room, and he is not here so I let out a relief sigh and behind the counter, I started to manage the orders with practice ease.

"Miss," Nicole came to me after serving an order and engulfed me in a hug. "We missed you so much. Where have you been? The café is so lonely without you."

"That's true," Anthony came from behind and joined the hug. Aww, these people.

"I miss you too, my people. I am very well so let us rock this day at the café," I gave them one last squeeze and went back to the counter.

"May I join in with the hug?" A familiar voice said.

"Sir Martin!" Nicole said with so much joy.

"Hello, Nicole. It is nice to see you again." I looked up to the owner of the voice.

"Martin!" I squealed, ran to him and hugged him tight, leaving the counter behind. "What are you doing here? When did you get here?"

"It is a long story, Eli. But, can I have my signature coffee first?" He asked when I let go of the hug.

"Of course, Mar. I will prepare it myself, just like I always do." I said and went again behind the counter to prepare his coffee, the Amity Blend.

Amity Blend is a combination of beans from different regions, each contributing unique flavors that, when combined, create a harmonious and rich profile. It is perfect for sharing moments with friends. This blend embodies warmth, connection, and the joy of companionship.

I served Martin's coffee with his favorite blueberry cheesecake and sat on the empty chair on his table and we began our conversation.

"How are you, Mar? It's been a while," I said to him, smiling.

"Oh, it is. I am most glad if you'll show me around after this. The town changed so much," he replied after a sip on his coffee and a bite of the cheesecake, "This is always so good and you still know what my favorite is."

"Of course, I am your Eli," I boast. "I will have Nicole take over the café after this and we stroll. And maybe, you can get to be my barista again, for today?"

"What?" He chuckled. "I don't even know if I still got it, Eli."

"I am sure you do, Mar. The café missed you," I said softly with puppy eyes so I can convince him.

"Is it only the café who missed me?" He asked but I did not hear because of the chimes of the door and loud student customers came in.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Nothing but, okay, I will." He answered my offer and we laughed. "I just said yes because I know you will beside me."

"I got you." I replied and we did our signature hand shake.

"We still got that." He said after then we just laughed and chatted while he finished everything.

After Martin's breakfast at the café, we strolled around the town. We bought souvenirs for him to take home and I introduced him to the new attractions and even to my regular customers who we bumped into.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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