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The letter was short and sweet. It was as polite as the mailman who had dropped it off. Only so many words could ask for such miniscule things to offer. Often, you wouldn't expect to receive a proposal. However, on that day, Genya somewhat did.

Perhaps it was instinctive, like a hint bestowed within two dreams to warn someone. He'd received many warnings before ever since he found the university where he belonged. Maybe things didn't completely work out for him in that way, but he was somewhat satisfied regarding the progress he continued to make. After all, graduation was never too far gone for him. And, in no time, he happened to find himself a bachelor's as well as a high-paying job.

There was no concern for the outcomes of his former high-school peers. They didn't end up as successful as him. That, he was fully aware of since the day the first paycheck landed in his savings—every single dime, because he had better things to prioritize.

One day, he was pondering about a beach house. Yet, when he pondered far too much, he'd come to notice that there wasn't really anybody to stay in it with. He was alone and, therefore, didn't need to reside in such a vast abode. A conclusion he would come to as he pondered yet again about other luxuries. At some point, even the cybertruck would cross his mind, but he promised himself never to think too much about it. The car wasn't worth the time it took for his brain to recollect a written schedule. That alone was convincing enough.

Sometimes, his mind would begin to ponder about a particular fellow from his high-school years. He never really meant for it to happen whenever it did, but it kinda sorta just did. And when it did, he couldn't bring himself to stop. Often, he would sleep to his thoughts, allowing himself to feel the satisfaction of a lovers presence. It was a feeling he often begged to endure when his eyes could no longer stay awake. A touch he'd never been so eager to experience before.

Because he'd already experienced it. The summer of sophomore year. Or considering the fact he was turning a junior, we could always say junior year. Nonetheless, it was that very summer when he'd experienced a love like no other. The first boy to sign his yearbook with sincere intent. Maybe he'd seen that boy some time ago. Perhaps during one of his classes. However, he never quite expected to see him again, especially not throughout the entire summer. Yet, as fate comes, dismay tends to leave space for it to reside. And you can only thank such a feeling for its existence.

Genya did that every night. He never seemed to understand why he could get so grateful at times, but his humility worked out for him in the end. After all, he wasn't recommended the college—he chose it. In fact, some might say he chose to willingly leave a healthy relationship all for the sake of a desperate scholarship. Perhaps he deserved it. But was it really worth it? Was it worth Muichiro?

Ahh, that's it.

That was his name. The love of his life. The love of a summer left behind. Muichiro. Muichiro Tokito.

Where was he now? Was he coming to the high-school reunion?

These were all questions Genya harbored as he stared intently at a letter filled with purpose. It was all his eyes could look at that night as he no longer pondered endlessly about luxury. Instead, he was stuck pondering about the attendees. Everyone he had left behind would stay around to reunite. Those who held ill faith would pivot to face the man they'd once doubt. Those who garnered a sense of hope would swim in pools of satisfaction upon the mere glance at Genya.

As he thought about it, he thought once more about Muichiro, as he did every other night. Since the night he left, he'd never stop daydreaming under a helpless moon that listened. Because it could perceive him. Beneath all of the craters on those rocky plains, there was an ear to hear. And maybe it was Muichiro's, but Genya would never come to know that until he could encounter him and ask for himself. However, that was a decision that he would have to make.

It was all up to him in the end. Would the high-school reunion ever be worth attending, or was it all but a waste of time? He wanted to believe the former, and so he did.

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