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If you were convinced taking a three hour flight from Tokyo to Kitakyushu was hard enough, then you'd certainly be opposed to the idea of having to drive. After all, throwing away an additional twelve hours of life behind the wheel hasn't always been the average persons ideal adventure. However, in Genya's trivial case, he happened to take long drives like this nearly all the time.

Unfortunately for him, claustrophobia was a significant part of his daily life. So much so that it was no longer as little as an inconvenience but that of a diagnosed problem. It wouldn't take long before a psychiatrist would address and confirm his somewhat irrational fear. Reasonably, the airport was a majorly contributing factor to it all, and he often found himself avoiding it.

Which is exactly why Genya decided to take it upon himself to endure such an excruciating and endless drive. He liked it better that way. In fact, the second he finally stepped foot onto the outskirts of Daiwa Roynet Hotel, he greeted the door with a smile and took the handle with integrity. If Genya was going to be residing in that hotel for a while, he needed to be a little more impressionable. It only made sense, considering how he planned on approaching his former classmates.

Especially Muichiro.

Oh, how Genya couldn't stop thinking about his ex lover since the day he read that letter. It was just another one of many invitations he'd received in his mailbox, but he found it to be more important than the rest. All for the reason that every word he read about that high school never failed to remind him about a certain someone. Yet, it wasn't Genya's flashbacks he wanted to fantasize about. After all, the farthest his memories of Muichiro went were up until the smaller one had barely touched 17. It was then that Genya had to depart from Kitakyushu due to his own aspirations and goals.

What Genya wanted was to know Muichiro for who he was in the present. How much had they both grown? Did they still harbor the same interests as they always did before? There were far more important questions to ponder about, but those were the ones that occupied Genya's train of thought momentarily.

Eventually, the time would come that stars would roll in, and the sun officially became no more. It was during those times that Genya typically decided to shut off his laptop, bringing his business work to an end to rest his eyes for the night. There was a big day ahead of him. One that required a lot of slumber. He wanted to be fully prepared for what was to come.

Even as his eyes struggled to awaken the second the natural light of the morning hit his face, he was fully aware of the agenda at hand. It didn't take long before Genya got used to the alert of his restful eyes. Immediately, he arose from his bed, heading to the restroom to commence his early morning remedies.
Nothing much really—just a touch of toothpaste, a dash of shower, and finally, a sprinkle of cleanser.

From the restroom, Genya would join the main bedroom where he'd change into appropriate attire for the weather. It'd only been a little before noon when Genya found himself alone at the desk of the hotel room doing nothing. There was finally some ample time to himself. He'd been made aware by some of the hotel staff of some cafes nearby. It was a chance he couldn't miss to lock into his occupational errands.

If he would just visit the nearest cafe and remain on his laptop until the time to get ready for the high-school reunion came, he could get a lot done. There was only so much a normal human could accomplish within the span of five hours.

Taking advantage of this benefit, Genya let out a mellow groan as he reached for the laptop on his bed. The sun hit him in the face through the open curtains beside the nightstand. As he slid on his new birckenstocks, he knew it was going to be nice out. Even the birds were singing, which Genya often happened to take for good luck. Obviously, the birds sang every day, but Genya wanted to believe he was always having good luck. Considering the negative childhood he had, it was in his best interest that his thoughts remained somewhat positive.

Eventually, Genya would leave the hotel in search of the nearest cafe. It wouldn't take long before Genya found himself in front of a grand entrance and commenced his presence inside. A table for two was immediately brought to his attention, where he proceeded to sit for the rest of the afternoon.

He wasn't wrong.

There was a lot he managed to get done within such ample time.

He meticulously reviewed the latest market trends, compiling a comprehensive report for his team's upcoming presentation. He sent out emails to key clients, updating them on new insights and potential opportunities. He scheduled meetings with his colleagues to discuss the next steps in their strategy.

Each task he completed brought him closer to finalizing the quarterly market analysis, a crucial component for the company's growth plan. As he checked off items from his to-do list, he felt a sense of accomplishment.

Almost as if he'd been lacking opportunity all along, the time came to get ready for the high-school reunion. With a sigh, Genya slowly shut off his laptop before leaving the cafe. It would only take him a few steps before he'd find himself in front of the hotel once again. Accordingly, Genya entered the building, allowing the elevator to guide him towards the floor of his designated room.

Gradually, he proceeded to make a change of clothes in accordance to the occasion. He wore a white cotton tee that clung to his frame with an easy, casual comfort, the fabric soft and inviting against his skin. Over the tee, he had an olive green button-up, its sleeves rolled up to the elbows, revealing tanned forearms. His cream linen pants, light and breathable, draped elegantly down his legs. A dark leather belt cinched at his waist, the deep, worn tones of the leather grounding the lightness of his ensemble.

For those with ill imagination:

Before long, Genya found himself to be ready and had finally received his first message regarding the occasion

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Before long, Genya found himself to be ready and had finally received his first message regarding the occasion.

Mitsuri: Can't wait to see you there!
Mitsuri: And I'll bet there's somebody else that can't wait to see you more.
Mitsuri: wink wink...

Genya was still in contact with that girl and was always grateful for the support she'd given him. Even now that she was probably indicating something special. He could only laugh to himself as he subconsciously agreed with the message before shutting off his phone altogether.

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