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By the time Genya had arrived, the sun had been almost completely down. It was autumn nearing winter, so it didn't take long for the sun to set most days. Genya often liked that fact because the dark tended to ease him. It was when he felt the most at home as he could look up at the stars and remember he was still alive. He liked that feeling the most. Especially after all he'd been through.

"Oh my god, it's Genya," A high pitched voice sang as it approached him.

Instinctively, Genya's gaze riveted towards the noise in response. He hadn't even taken one step into the building before somebody had already seemed to recognize him. To be frank, half of the participants weren't even inside of the venue to begin with. It was a former Kimetsu High students' abode, and most people lingered at the front porch where they could watch the cars go by as they drank.

As Genya measured his surroundings, he proceeded to take in the appearance of the girl who'd first acknowledged him. She was skipping right towards him after all. There was no way to avoid it. In fact, the second Genya happened to notice who the peculiar woman was he came to realize that avoiding her wasn't even necessary after all. She was a friend.

"My goodness, you made it!" A jovial Mitsuri exclaimed as she grabbed Genya's hand and shook it tightly.

The two hadn't seen each other in a long time, but she was the only one Genya hadn't lost contact with. Given the outspoken and optimistic character she was, Mitsuri often hated the thought of losing friends. She'd go out of her way to remain in touch, even when everyone else had already dropped said person. Genya appreciated this fact about her and regularly found himself enjoying her support for the longest.

"What? You thought I wouldn't come?" Genya asked with a slight chuckle as he ran his lengthy hands through his hair.

"Somewhat, yeah," Mitsuri admitted, although hastily. "I mean Tokyo is just so faaaar from here! How did you even manage to do it without a plane?"

Genya shrugged, flaring the hem of his button up so that it made a 'whoosh' noise from the air that emitted.

"Just thugged it out, I guess,"

Mitsuri chuckled, grabbing the taller ones hand once more. There were only so many people Genya would eventually have to meet again throughout the occasion, and Mitsuri desperately wanted to be the one to show him.

Without warning, Mitsuri began to drag Genya through the idle participants in the front yard. It didn't take long for her legs to pull through and find the front door from the crowd. Inside the house, the air was filled with a mix of familiar and unfamiliar scents. The aroma of delectable foods mingled with the subtle fragrance of the house. Mitsuri led Genya through a narrow hallway adorned with framed photos of his childhood friend, Inosuke's, lifetime. Wait, Inosuke was the host? Not bad. It was an incredible residence, after all.

The living room opened up into a spacious area where groups of former classmates gathered, engaged in nostalgic conversations. The room was warmly lit, with ambient lighting that Genya couldn't help but find solace in. A large coffee table sat in the center, laden with an array of snacks and drinks for the guests.

Mitsuri nudged Genya gently. "Come on, let's go say hi to some people. I already met a few!"

Genya followed her lead, scanning the faces in the room. They approached a group where a tall man was recounting a story with broad gestures. Mitsuri interrupted with a cheerful, "Hey, everyone!"

The man turned to them, a curious smile on his face. "Ah, it's nice to see you again, Mitsuri... and Genya?"

Genya stared at him for a moment before recognition dawned. "Uzui? Wow, I almost didn't recognize you!"

Shades Of Pearl (GenMui) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now