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Genya stood by the punch bowl, scanning the crowded abode. The high school reunion was in full swing, with old friends and acquaintances milling about alongside laughter and loud music filling the air. He adjusted the collar of his shirt, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. It had been years since he’d last seen Muichiro.

“How’ve you been?” Genya asked awkwardly as he leaned against the kitchen counter beside him with a subtle sense of ennui.

The kitchen was a nice room to catch up, hang out, and relax. Most participants of the high school reunion were in that very location, if not in the front yard.

“Good, good. You?” Muichiro answered slowly, ending off with his very own question in return.

“Same here. It’s crazy being back, isn’t it?”

They stood there for a moment, the noise of the reunion fading into the background as they looked at each other. Genya could feel his heart pounding, a rush of old memories flooding back. He’d sworn he was over it and had moved on from his immature high school fantasies, but seeing Muichiro again stirred something deep inside him.

“Want to get some air?” Genya suggested, nodding towards the door. “It’s a bit loud in here.”

Muichiro nodded, and Genya began to make his way outside. The smaller one quickly managed to catch up to Genya, who'd already seemed to follow a path and grabbed onto his wrist. In shock, Genya pivoted to face Muichiro, who looked up at him unsure.

"Maybe not outside. It's still stuffy out there and smells like alcohol," Muichiro explained. "There's this one guest room upstairs,"

"Oh... ah—oh yeah,"

Genya constantly found himself losing his confidence in the midst of Muichiro. He was just so nervous conversing with somebody he still found so mesmerizing. The feelings he harbored had barely changed over time as much as he expected them to. However, he would never admit it to himself. He liked to think that Muichiro had already fully moved on and found himself a better life. It would be for the best.

They walked in silence for a bit, the distant sounds of the reunion still audible as they made their way up wooden steps. There was a founded solace within each other's presence as much as they'd refuse to admit it. A tranquility deep inside everything desperately pent up.

As they entered the guest bedroom, a reassuring cloak of air embodied them. They hadn't realized just how stuffy the kitchen was until they'd found the room. It was such a relief.

“I’ve missed this,” Muichiro said suddenly, stopping to lean against the wall as he closed the bedroom door behind the both of them. “Being comfortable with you, I mean.”

Genya’s breath caught in his throat. “Yeah, me too.”

They stood close, the tension between them palpable. Genya could feel the pull, the temptation to cross that line. Undeniably, the intimate feeling he'd experienced throughout his years in high school had become necessary all over again. Muichiro was just so pretty in that moment, and it would be hard for Genya to deny it as much as he wished he could've. In fact, It would be so easy to reach out, to touch Muichiro’s hand, to kiss him like he used to. But he hesitated, unsure of where they stood now.

“Do you ever think about us?” Muichiro asked softly, his eyes searching Genya’s.

“More than I’d like to admit,” Genya finally confessed to both Muichiro and himself. “It’s hard to forget.”

Muichiro’s gaze dropped to the ground, and for a moment, Genya thought he might step back. But then, Muichiro took a small step forward, closing the gap between them.

“We’re different people now,” Muichiro said, his voice steady. “But maybe that’s not a bad thing.”

Genya’s pulse quickened. He could feel the warmth radiating from Muichiro, their proximity bringing back a flood of emotions. He leaned in, just enough to let Muichiro know what he wanted. Even then, he didn't know why he wanted it, but without a doubt, he certainly did. And maybe Muichiro wanted it more, but nonetheless, they wanted it both.

Without a second thought from either of them, their lips would softly connect in a desperate kiss. The noise of the reunion faded completely, leaving only the two of them in that moment, lost in each other. As the tension gradually grew, the sounds of their lips smacking together increased. If they wanted to, they couldn't bring themselves to part even for breath. The intent of their lips spoke for itself.

Until, eventually, Muichiro would part rather unexpectedly. In fact, more so, dramatically.

Genya gasped as a sudden gust of wind knocked him over. He couldn't control the force that pushed him. Before he could react, his body landed against the hard top of the bedstand. Desperately, Genya looked up, searching for answers in Muichiro's eyes. Why had he been pushed?

But Muichiro was right there, hovering over him. Genya couldn't bring himself to move as Muichiro finally commenced. His breaths quickened as Muichiro gripped the hem of his own sweater. He'd never seen Muichiro's bare body before, not even when they were together in high school. Genya wasn't sure if he felt worried or excited.

With deliberate slowness, Muichiro began to pull his sweater off. He watched as Muichiro tossed it to the ground, a hitch in his breath. Genya bit his lip, trying to calm his racing emotions. His cheeks flushed a deep red, and he felt a stirring in his core that he couldn't ignore. It was somewhat embarrassing.

Muichiro's eyes never left Genya's, adding to the intensity.

Muichiro leaned down, reaching for the jeans he'd worn that night. One of his favorite pairs. Slowly, he unzipped them, watching Genya's reaction as they came off. Soon, Muichiro stood half-naked before Genya.

Genya gulped as Muichiro took the hair tie from his wrist and began to gather his long highlighted hair into a ponytail. The sight was beautiful, tempting... sexy? It was something, alright.

Muichiro smirked subtly, taking Genya's hand and placing it on his waist. It was clear the taller one was shy. If Muichiro had to be his guide to change that, he'd take on the responsibility.

Just before Genya could speak, Muichiro whispered into his ear, "Now, you're turn."

Genya hesitated, but his mind was confident about what it wanted. He wasn't sure if these were true feelings or just the consequences of pure lust. Yet, throughout it all, it was an experience nonetheless. One he had no problem enduring.

It wouldn't hurt, he thought, eyes widening in response to the tingling in his pants.

Genya's hands moved to his own drawstring pants, fingers trembling as he unraveled them. Anticipation and nervousness mixed in him. As he slid them off, Muichiro's gaze burned into him, heightening every sensation.

Muichiro leaned in closer, his breath hot against Genya's skin. "Relax," he murmured, his voice a soothing contrast to the electric atmosphere. He kissed Genya's neck softly, trailing down to his collarbone, making Genya shiver with each touch. Eventually, Muichiro would make it all the way down to his private area where'd he'd tighten the ponytail that was already in his hair and finally begin.

Genya's heart pounded, his body responding to Muichiro's every move. He closed his eyes, surrendering to the moment, to the feelings he'd thought lost. This was more than physical; it was a reconnection, a rediscovery of something they both thought was gone forever.

This was definitely going to be a long night.

Shades Of Pearl (GenMui) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now