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The purple haired woman gently placed the mug back onto the coffee table. She licked her lips, crossing her legs with a subtle hint of pert. Faint mumbles ensued from the hushed television as she closed her eyes and sighed.

"So, why was I called here?" She asked amusingly as her eyes fluttered open once again.

Slightly folding his lips, Muichiro began to ponder her question. Perhaps he'd already forgotten the answer, finding it hard to avoid falling victim to his growing amnesia. Just that thought alone had left as quickly as it came at the sudden realization of his motives. They lingered at the back of his head, although gradually crawling back to him. There was a reason, alright.

"Shinobu, don't you understand?" He asked rhetorically, yet still igniting a shake of the shorter ones head in response. "You're my moral support,"

Curiously, Shinobu arched an eyebrow in surprise. She considered herself to be one of the last people any sane person would come to for solace. To think Muichiro could make such a clumsy decision had greatly amused her. However, even she would come to the conclusion that amnesia definitely played a part. She doubted that the taller one had still remembered her unsupportive personality with such a choice.

Even so, it was clear to her that Muichiro had entrusted her with a plethora of things. After all, they'd only known each other for so long. In fact, they used to live in the same neighborhood in their school days, and their families had come extremely close. That was up until Shinobu's family had decided to move, all the while, remaining in the same prefecture. Nothing had really changed.

"Moral support for what exactly?" Shinobu asked, reaching for the coffee cup on the living room table once again.

"Well," Muichiro began with a desperate sigh. "I did a very bad thing last night," He admitted.

Shinobu slowly shook her head as the hot coffee slowly poured into her mouth. It was almost obvious to her that she'd be disappointed hearing the rest. Yet, her curiosity gnawed at her anyway. What could possibly make Muichiro believe he'd become so rebellious?

"Last night," She repeated, resting the coffee cup against the table as she remembered. "Like, at the high school reunion?"

With a brief nod, Muichiro nervously bit his bottom lip in shame. The guilt immediately embraced him the second he reminded himself about every aching scene of the night before. He hadn't taken the time to lay out the risks of discovery before ultimately deciding to confide in somebody. A physical guide was all his mind could possibly handle at the moment. Somebody who could hear him out.

"Muichiro, the worst you could've done at the reunion is forgotten somebody's name," Shinobu scoffed, running a hand through her newly trimmed hair. "And that's not even a you problem considering your frequent memory loss. People do that all the time. Heck, for a moment, I even forgot Giyuu's name until Mitsuri had introduced him to me again. And everyone knows he was my plaything back then when I was immature. You'll be fine,"

Everything about Shinobu's response significantly deepened the weight of the already disappointing situation. After all, the smaller one was implying that nothing could get any worse than forgetting ones name at the reunion. How would she feel finding out Muichiro had slept with someone other than his own? Muichiro had immediately lost all motivation in confiding in her. He couldn't do it, knowing he was dealing with a mindset like that.

"No, yeah, you're right," Muichiro agreed with a sarcastic smile. "It was just Tengen's name. I... I forgot it," He lied.

"Pretty hard name to remember, isn't it?"

With a slight shrug, Muichiro swiftly looked away from Shinobu. He faced the television screen, letting the vibrant rays of electricity hit him in the face as he thought to himself. The thoughts weren't meaningful, but they were just enough for him to dwell on them. At that point, he'd begun to daydream, and Shinobu was quick to snap him out of it.

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