The Day Kyouya Took the Notebook

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"Oh, God where is it..!" I dug in my locker as my best friend Riley showed up to my locker.  

"Yo! Whatcha looking for?" I had my head stuffed in my locker pushing my stuff around and around hoping to see my notebook.  

"The club book.. It-it's not here!" I was about ready to rip off the heads of people to find it before Riley gently put her hand on my shoulder.  

"Hey, it's probably in the club room.." She smiled lightly.  

I stood up straight. "You're right.. It has to be.." I shook my head and smiled. "S-sorry for being kind of mean.." She laughed. "It's whatever.. Lets go to class." I smiled and walked  to 2A class room. I didn't wear those truffle like dresses the rest of the girls wore. I wore white knee socks with a red, and black, plaid shirt and black tank top with a red jacket over it. I sat down in my seat and put my feet on the desk. I grabbed my book and opened it up to read. I saw a tall figure come into the room holding books and a clipboard. He sat in front of a tall blonde and leaned in to whisper to him. The tall dark figure had black hair and glasses. He looked serious and kind at the same time. The other guy looked a little lost in his own world. He smiled at the dark figure and greeted him happily.  

"Good morning, Kyouya! What a wonderful morning it is isnt it? Ah.. Mid-spring is my favorite time of year you know.." He seemed to drag on the thought of the flowers, the people, and many other things.  

Kyouya just nodded and smiled lightly. I could tell it was forced though.. 

"Yes, what a wonderful day, Tamaki."  

Tamaki smiles brightly, "so what brings you to my desk this morning?"  

Kyouya glanced around and leaned in whispering, "we have a.. Slight problem.." Tamaki instantly frowned.  

"What is it, Kyouya?" He said serious and a little interested.  

Kyouya passed him something. "This.. I found it in an abandon room near our club room.. Read it."  

Tamaki quickly opened it and read the contents in the inside.  

"N-no.." He said surprised.  

"Yes. I have a feeling that we will be next, Tamaki. They are certainly a threat."  

"Can't we just talked to them? See what the reason for all this is?"  

Kyouya shook his head. "I don't see the owners name written anywhere.."  

"Can you find out the handwriting and match it up?"  

Kyouya smiled, almost evilly, and chuckled pushing up his glasses. "Well if course. In fact I've been checking every girls handwriting in this school."  

Suddenly there was a loud gasp. I flinched, because I wanted to hear more in their conversation. I didn't realize it, but I was sweating a little.  

"Shit.." I cursed under my breathe.  

"Alice! Alice!" I heard Riley whisper to me frantically. I think she heard too..  

Suddenly she was beside me kneeling down.  

"They have it!" She kept whispering.  

" I know! We have to get it back.." I snapped my fingers as a plan came into my head.  

"Alright. I'll distract them and you come around and swipe the book off his desk. Meet me outside the class room when you get it, okay?" She nodded and I stood up. I really didnt want to talk to Suoh... 

I smoothed my skirt and walks over to his desk. I kept my head down so I looked shy. Hair swooped in front my face covering it.  

"H-hi." I said shyly.  

Tamaki turned around and smiled widely, "well, hello my dear. I haven't seen you before.." He looked me up and down to make sure he wasn't mistaking that fact. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't recognized me. I like to blend in.. I guess I was good.  

Kyouya put down the notebook and looked at me with slight interest.  

"No, I'm new.. I'm.. I'm Lily.." I kept my head down so "lily" seemed shy. Also so I didn't have to look him in the eyes.  

"Oh, what a beautiful name you have, Lily!" He gently took my hand and kissed it.  

I faked giggled. Ew! Why?! Why did he kiss my hand?!  

I saw Riley quickly swoop by and grab the book running out the room. I sighed in relief knowing I can go.  

"Oh! I must go! I have to get to class of course.." I pulled my hand away and slightly smiled. I quickly turned around and left the room.  

I Turned the corner so I couldn't be seen anymore. Riley held the notebook in her hand smirking.  

"I gots it!"  

"Thank god!" I grabbed it and went to my locker. I opened my locker and shoved it into my book bag.  

"To be honest.. That was pretty easy!" She laughed.  

I turned to her with a disgusted face.  

"My hand burns.." She busted out laughing.  

"Aw, don't want host germs? Girls would kill for it!"  

"Well, they can have it all they want! As long as it stops the burning!" I dug into my book bag for hand sanitizer. I squeezed some on my hands and rubbed them together.  

"Much better.." I smiled and laughed a little.  

Riley leaned on a near by locker. "Wonder how he got it.."  

I rolled my eyes an shut my locker. "Doesn't matter now. We got our notebook back."

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