The Day Tamaki Suoh Took My Deal

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~*~*later that evening~*~*

I was in the club room looking through my papers of new club members. So many girls looking for revenge of the guy that broke her heart. I shook my head and stood up from my desk still looking at the papers. Riley was in Gym and would come later on.

I heard a sudden thump and a moan from someone near my door. I jumped and looked to the door. I saw a dazzed Tamaki Suoh on the floor moaning from falling into the room.

"What are you doing in here?!" I said annoyed.

He stood up and dusted himself off. "Sorry to.. fall in, but I noticed someone in this abandoned room and wanted to stop by." He smiled innocently. I rolled my eyes and shoved my papers into my desk.

"Oh? Is that so?" I walked in front my desk and sat on the top of it, crossing my legs. He watched me with a playful smile.

"Well, yes." He looked around a little bit then looked at me."Sooo, what is this room for?" I laughed a little and looked him straight in the eyes.

"I think you already found out from your little friend.." I started to glare. "He did steal my notebook."

Tamaki looked at me and dropped his playful smile. "He didn't steal it, he found it."

"So, it gives him the right to look through it?!" I was getting a little more annoyed the longer he stayed. Tamaki smiled slightly and walked closer to my desk. "Well, he wanted to find the owner of course.." His smiled soon stricken, "and my I say... you know a lot more then you should.." I let out a small laugh.

"How dare you say that when one of your own knows about every girl in the school!" Tamaki got really tense and stood in his place.

"That's different.." I rolled my eyes. Soon a light bulb flashed over my head. I smirked and walked over to him. I grabbed his tie and pulled it down so that why his face was close to mine.

"How about we make a deal... If you leave my club alone.. Then I'll leave yours alone. Deal?"

He grabbed my wrists and pulled them away from his tie.

"We will see about that.. Alice.." He let go and stormed out the club room. Finally some entertainment in this school!

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