Riley's POV ~*~Alice Has Lost It~*~

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                               *~*~*~*~*~*RILEY'S' POV~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

I was in gym class today instead of the club room. I usually switch from gym to club room because I sometimes like the activitys they do. While I was dribling a ball I saw twins start heading my way. Wait.. twins? Oh god.. no.. Its Hikaru and Kaoru.. What do they want?

"Hello" They both sang in unison. I rolled my eyes and grunted a 'Hi' back to them.

"Heeey, Haven't seen you in gym class very much.. or in school at all." Said Kaoru.

"I have other stuff to do.. like clubs and such.." I started to bounce the ball higher and away from them.

"Oh, a club?" They both said seeming interested. "What kind of club?" I gulped.

"Its called 'None of your business club!' You should join!" I rolled my eyes and started to shoot my ball at the wall and catch it when it bounced back. They both snickered and leaned against a wall near me. "That doesn't sound like a promising club" They both had this stare that made me feel uncomfortable. I laughed nervously and stopped my ball. "What do you two want?" They shrugged and got off the wall. "We want to know more about you.. Riley" Kaoru said smiling a bit at me. "That's all we ask for really." Hikaru said shrugging. I laughed and turned away from them. "You two may want to know more about me, but I know enough about you to know that's complete bull." I put up my basket ball and walked out the gym without a word.

When I arrived at the club room I saw Alice banging her head on a wall in the back like she had just done something wrong.

"Ah.. you okay there?" She jumped and looked at me with a hopeless look. "No! No! I'm not! He caaame!!" She sounded like she was going to die. Weirdly enough this doesn't happen often. Alice is calm and collected and I'm the temper and stubborn one. To see this was weird for me so I knew something bad happend.

"He? Who's he?" I said walking to her desk.

"Tamaki.. he came by. well more like fell in the room.." Her hair was messed up like she had been pulling on it or had been messing with it like she does when she gets nervous.

"Oh, what did he want?"

"He wanted to know more about the club. I think they are onto us.." She sighed and sat down in her chair.

"Strange.. Hikaru and Kaoru where asking me the same stuff.. well, more like they wanted to know more about me." I sighed and played with the papers on her desk. She sat there dazzed and thinking too hard.

"... They are now our targets..." She said in a dark voice. I turned to her with a confused look. She got up out her chair and smoothed her skirt. Held her hands behind her back and paced the room.

"They came to the wrong people! I offered him a deal of we leave them alone and they leave us alone, but he didn't take it. So, in that case.. this is war!" She pounded her fist into the desk. "We wont let them break our hard working club for innocent girls!" Wow, she was pumped. I had to walk up to her and calm her down before reacting to her insane notion.

I sat her down and took a deep breath. "Are you insane! No! I'm not working like this! I don't need the pressure!!" I started ranting on and on about how she's letting her emotions get to her. She just stared at me and listened. When I was done I took another deep breath.

"Aw, come ooon! We need some kind of entertainment in this place! Its so boring.." She layed her head on the desk to show her tiredness. I rolled my eyes. "Its a school, Alice!" I crossed my arms and looked away from her. She lifted her head and gave me these eyes like I had to do this with her.

"Riley, please! They have been swooning girls for a while now! They need to learn that girls can fall easily and if you keep it up they will fall heartbroken! Just like us.." She sounded sad at the last part. I tensed up and thought a moment.

"Can I think about it?" I said looking at her.

"Yes, yes you can." she smiled and stood up. "Tonight we shall discuss this at my house! Over dinner of course." She laughed.

"Oh, good! I miss your cooking!" I sounded like I was some kind of deprived child. Which in a way.. I kind of was. We both stood up and gathered our stuff. We walked out the club room and I locked the door. I put the club key in my pocket and patted it. No one will mess with two girls with the power to mess with boys hearts. At least... they shouldn't.

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