Is 'Friend' the Right Word?

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Today was it.

"Please Alice.. Don't make me do it! I don't want too! Screw this! Screw them! Screw it all!" My dear friend cried at my side.

Just one step, and we are in.

"Riley." I say sternly. "We got too"

Okay, just one little knock now.

"No! No! We can still get them! Not like this Alice not like this!"

I knocked. Too late.

"Welcome to the-" he stopped talking. His purple like eyes where wide, but suddenly turned sugary sweet. His smile match his eyes as he stepped aside. "Well, ladies. Come in."

Damn him! Damn them all to a hell for hosts!

"Thank you." I said as calmly as I could when as I walked passed Tamaki. I dragged behind me my dear friend, Riely, as she looked like a sad puppy.

"Woah. We got heartcrushers in the house~!" The twins sang as they popped up their head behind one of the couches they where sitting at.

Kyoya simply ignored them as he contued to write in his stupid clipboard. Mori sat by Hunny on a couch opposite of the twins. He  stared at us, as of when we make a sudden move he'd beat us to it and throw us out. Well, that was welcoming..

Hunny happily wiggled in his seat. "Oh! Hello Alice and Riley!" He said sweetly as we entered.

"Hello.." I replied a little too shyly for my liking.

"So, what brings you two princesses to our little club?" Tamaki said as he walked up behind us, and stood in-front of us. Mostly me from where I was standing.

"I wanted to.. Talk." I said trying to stay calm.

Riley whimpered a little and hid behind me. She was uncomfortable. I was too! But I told her my plan and she did almost everything she could to stop me, but I wouldn't have it.

"Ohh?" Tamaki said in a almost mocking way. "Well, then. Sit!" He said happily. He looked over to the twins and suddenly glared daggers at them. "Move you two." He said in a very commanding voice.

The twins rolled their eyes and slowly rolled off the couch, literally. Mori and Hunny moved as well. They all moved to another place in the room to "occupi" themselves, but I knew they would be ease dropping anyway.

I sat on the side the twins where on and Riley sat next to me. Tamaki sat across from me and called over Kyoya. Kyoya sat down next to him and pushed up his glasses. "What can we help you two with?" Kyoya asked cooly.

I took a deep breath. "I want to get to know your club." I said simply.

"Why?" They both said a little suspicious of me. I took offence to that.

"Can't I just get to know you guys? I mean I do go to the same school with you two-same classes as well!" I let my arms up in the air to exaderate my unhappiness with their suspicion.

"Just what are you two up too?" Kyoya said with more suspicion as he lean forward.

Tamaki put his hand out in front of Kyoya to stop him. "Now, now they are guests! Of course we will tell you about ourselves! Maybe we can be close friends!" He said happily.

Friends. Ri-ight.

"What!? Uh, no!" Said a very upset voice. I looked over to see Kaoru.. Or was it Hikaru? Either way, one of the twins looked upset.

Tamaki looked at him. "Kaoru, what's wrong?"

Ah. So I was right.

Kaoru got up and left his twins side. He walked over to our couches and crossed his arms standing on Riley and Kyoyas' side.

"We all know their no good." He said like it was the most obvious thing. Though, it kind of was.

Riley quickly jumped to respond to this. "Hey! You don't know us!" She said offended.

"I don't have to! I already know!"

"Well, the last time I checked you're not a psychic!"

Kaoru pointed at her accusingly, "Checked!? See! They watch us!! That's not a good sign!"

"Why you little-" Riley stood up quickly, ready to hit him. Luckily, I grabbed onto her waist and pulled her down. I looked at tamaki and kyoya, laughing nervously. "Haha, friends!"

They both nodded as Hikaru grabbed onto Kaorus arm and pulled him away from the scene. Kaoru was still ranting and raving as his twin pulled him away.

Riley shifted slightly in my grip. "Yes, friends.." She mumbled harshly.

To be honest, I wanted to let Riley go and start her reign of terror on them, but this plan will need pactience.   "So-o, I guess that's that." I laughed out of the slight tense atmosphere between the four of us.

Tamaki nodded, "Well, since you're here what would you like to know?"

Riley sat up straighter, getting out of my arms. "How does your club work?" She asked full of curiosity. I'm glad she asked that, I was pretty intreged to hear what they actually did. We always just heard giggled and swoons. Beyond their door, and it always scared us slightly.

As Kyoya grinned slightly and pushed up his glasses, we heard slight shuffiling beyond the door behind us. Riley and I both turned around in our seats to look at the door in confusion.

"Well, we start with meeting our guests." He sounded evil, with slight humor in his voice.

Suddenly, the doors swung open hard and loud chatter, giggles, and squeals were easier to hear. All I could see was yellow and I knew.

Girls. Where. Coming.

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