end of tour

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Last show in Germany. Time has been going so fast. I havnt seen Tokio Hotel in a week. Last time I saw Bill was when he told me Rodrick needed me. I only gave Tom a proper goodbye for a bit. I mean I have been texting Bill and Tom here and there but I've been busy.

(Texting) The day Bill almost caught  Tom and Y/n

B: hey y/n
Y: oh hey bill!
B: sorry I didn't say bye, I didn't know you were going to leave right after.
Y: it's okay, it was my fault I should've told you.
B: yeah anyways, have fun text me if you need anything okay?
Y: okay! Danke Bill.
B: Love you so much beautiful💕
Y: love you too Billy!💕

(End of text)

As I put on an outfit for the last show I decide to call bill, last time I called him was 3 days ago. Bill figured I was busy so he didn't really call or text.

Before I was about to call bill Tom called me.

T: hallo baby!
Y: Oh Tom! Hey, what's up?
T: nothing much just checking up on you. I know you're going to perform later today.
Y: oh yeah! I'm a bit nervous but excited.
T: ah nothing to be scared of, you'll do amazing babe.
Y: thank you Tom! By any chance is bill with you?
T: oh no. Why?
Y: just asking that's all
T: he went out I don't know where but it was with George and these girls.
Y:oh...okay! Anyways thanks for the clam Tom I love you so much!
T: of course! Call me anyways baby! I love you more.
Y: got it bye!
T: bye!


Bill really went out with girls?! Why do I even care? He's a celeb! This is normal for him. I hesitated if I should call him. I wanted to see what he was up to. Ugh! I'll just do it. A good friend would check up on friends!

The phone rings and Bill instantly picks up. I hear a girl in the background calling his name. Ugh

B: Y/n! Love!
Y: oh hey bill! Just wanted to check up on you. How you been?
B:oh I'm alright, I'm out with George and some friends. I'm a bit bored but you called and now I'm not.
Y: oh that's great.
B: what about you? You ready to perform?
Y: oh you know?
B: Y/n I've been tracking all your shows, I'm going to your last one!
Y: oh- I didn't know you were coming. I'll see you there then I have to go.
B: oh, why so soon? Can we hang out before?
Y:no, sorry I have to do something.
B: awh, man! Okay! I love you pretty girl!
Y: love you too bill
B: bill? Don't call me that
Y:*laughs* bye Billy.
B:*giggles* bye lovely!


I kept hearing a girl call bills name. He was ignoring her but still, it pissed me off. Why tho? He's not even mine

Time skip to on stage.

The curtains opened and I saw them. Front row. Bill, Tom, Gustav, and George. I smile and wave at them. They wave back.

As we begin the boys shout.



I giggle.

After we play a couple songs my solo was about to begin. I get ready and face the crowd. A light gust of wind blows on me making my long hair look absolutely majestic. A spotlight just on me. I begin my guitar solo

"THATS MY GIRL! THATS MY WIFE!" Tom shouts as the crowd goes wild. I smirk at him. I see bill glare at him pissed.

Bills pov

Why is Tom so cocky. Why does he think y/n is all his?!

Y/n's solo ends. I scream


Out of no where Tom climbs on the stage jumping into Y/n. No. Way. Oh my gosh.

The security guards grab him and take him back down. Y/n laughs.


"Tom what the heck?!" I say slapping him

"What!" He says annoyed

I roll my eyes. The show ends and we all clap

Y/ns pov

As we all pack our stuff off and the crowd goes home I felt someone hug me from behind.

"Billy!" I hug his slim waist.

"Hey my love." He says I was about to kiss his cheek and he was too and we accidentally kissed on the mouth. We both stand there shocked and red

"S-sorry" I let out he giggles.

"Oops." He says all pink.

Oh my gosh I can't believe we just kissed. I continue ti kiss his cheek and so does he. Suddenly Tom runs to me and picks me up

"MY BABY!" He shouts the security guard glares at him.

"TOM!" I giggle. I see bill glare at us. He rolls his eyes and walks away.

"Bill where are you going?" I ask

"Getting water." He walks off

"Oh that nut is jealous" Tom scoffs

"Of what?"

"Of me like always." Tom says dusting off his shoulder and smirks.

I roll my eyes and run to Bill.

"Hey come back!" Tom rushes after me.

I catch up to bill and jump on his back.

"Oh Billy don't leave me cutieee" I say kissing his cheek all over. I had to pull him to me since he's so tall

"Y/n" he giggles. I hug him tightly

"Hold me, hold me!" I say. He smirks and picks me up.

I see Tom behind us. He scoffs.

"Can we go eat?" He says. Bill and I look at eachother


Bill Tom Gustav George and me make it to mc Donald's. Since it was the end of my tour my bandmates left to go with their families. They said their goodbyes to me and they let me stay with Tokio hotel. I will miss them. Till next time we hang out!

"Hey guys." I ask in between Tom and bill

"What's up princess?" Tom says

"My tour is finally over, I'm moving back home in Germany, the old house" I used to live a couple houses down to bill and Tom's house.

"No way! YOU ARE MOVING BACK TO YOUR OLD HOUSE?!" Bill looks at me excited he hugs me

"Yes!" I say hugging him back

"YESSS YESS YESS!" Tom squeals.

"Oh my gosh will you go to school with us then?" George asks

"I have to apply to it still, my mom wants me to go." I say

"I'll let you started!" Bill says

Not Myself Without You (Bill Kaulitz X Tom Kaulitz x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now