Little Ravager

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Good thing is that Yondu had his crew not eat me but they won't take me back to Earth. Yondu instead decided to keep me. Says I might be useful. So he is showing around the ship. Not all of it. Just what I need to know.

"You may be a ravager now boy but still some stuff here is none of your business" Yondu told me after I asked why we are skipping some rooms.

I was holding my stuff rabbit Fluffy as we walked. I'm allowed to ask questions I'm just still getting over the whole aliens exist.

"Here is cleaning supplies. This ship doesn't clean it's self" said Yondu.

We kept walking.

"How is there gravity in space" I asked.

All the videos I saw people were floating.

"We have a device that creates gravity. I'm not sure how that blasted thing works exactly so you'll have to ask the tech people" said Yondu.

I'll have to remember that.

"Here is the infirmary. You'll get patched up a lot down here" said Yondu.

"But you said you wouldn't eat me" I said nervously.

"We're not going to eat you boy. However if you are staying then you are a Ravager now. We ain't got time free loaders. Which means you'll have to learn how to fight" said Yondu.

"I'm not hurting good people" I said.

"Don't you worry about that boy. You're too small to hurt anyone. Even if you wanted to hurt them" said Yondu.

I feel insulted but I am a child among grown adults.

"Which reminds me. We got to do something about, this" said Yondu.

He just gestured to all me.

"You just gestured to all of me" I said.

"Come on" said Yondu.

I followed Yondu a storage closet and we started looking threw it. I looked around as Yondu grabbed some clothes. There was mostly clothes in here.

"Try these on" said Yondu tossing me some clothes.

I caught the clothes which was a jacket and pants. I put the jacket on which was a bit big. The sleeves cover my hands.

"You'll grow into it" said Yondu as I held up my arms.

"For now though" said Yondu.

He walked over and got on his knees. Yondu grabbed my arm and rolled the sleeve up before doing the same to the other arm.

"We don't have anything in your size. Smallest size we got is a alkon. Smallest Ravagers we had. Till you showed up. But even their adult size is too big for you" said Yondu.

He stood up.

"I assume the pants are too small two" said Yondu.

He held out his hand and I gave the pants to him. Yondu put them back and turned to me.

"I'll have the trailer make something in your size" said Yondu.

We left the storage closet and went to the control room where Kraglin and some others were flying the ship.

"Hey Pete" said Kraglin.

"Hi" I said.

"This is the control room where everything happens. We fly the ship, have cameras, weapons, and other important stuff" said Yondu.

"Captain, another hour and we should arrive on Xandar for Peter's appointment" said Bob.

"What appointment" I asked.

"Just standard check up. In space there is deadly viruses you have never seen before on Terra. So, we have to get you vaccinated so those illness don't kill you. You won't be much use as a ravager if you're dead" said Yondu.

"Back vaccines are painful" I said.

"Those needles are nothing compared to what those illness can do. I seen men throw up their own heart or cut their own eyes out" said Yondu.

They what now? Yondu must of noticed the fear in my face because he got down on his knees and put his hand on my shoulder.

"But if it makes you feel better then I'll be there to keep you safe" said Yondu.

Ravagers with Young PeterWhere stories live. Discover now