Translator Fear

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So Peter's fear is based off of my fear of the translator and micro chips implants. So I decided to write a chapter about it. It does start with Peter being forcefully held down as a child by adults. Just a fair warning. 


I was held down by some aliens. They laid me on my back and held my arms down. 

"LET ME GO" I yelled. 

I tried to kick and scream but it wasn't working. 

"Put this brat to sleep already" a ravager said. 

I don't speak alien. A alien tried to put a mask over my head but I bit his hand. He yelped and pulled his hand back. 

"Damn brat got teeth" he said. 

Another alien held my face as a mask was placed over it. I tried to scream again as I started to breath in whatever this gas is. 

"The sooner you stop fighting boy the sooner this will be over" said a ravager. 

A few speak english but not all. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE" Yondu yelled as he entered the hall. 

"He's getting a translator" Tazerface said. 

"TAKE THAT MASK OFF MY SON" Yondu ordered. 

The mask was removed from my face and I took a minute to wake myself back up. Yondu walked over to us the others let me go. Yondu picked me up in his arms. 

"I should send you all to space for this" said Yondu. 

"Why, your son can't even understand us" said Kraglin. 

"He speaks some. I've been teaching him the Centaurians language. So if you wish to talk to Peter so bad then use that" said Yondu. 

"The translator will teach him that anyway. Why do you still refuse to give him a damn translator" asked Kraglin. 

"The translator doesn't work the same for autistic people. Like Peter. So next time ask before giving my son a heart attack" said Yondu. 

Yondu carried me away and I laid my head on his shoulder. That gas from the mask was probably some kind of sleep gas. It made me tired. Yondu took me to my bedroom and laid me down in bed. 

"You should rest till that stuff is out of yuh" said Yondu. 

He covered me up and gave me my stuffed rabbit Fluffy. 

"Why'd they try to kill me" I asked. 

Yondu sat on my bed. 

"They weren't trying to kill you son. Those guys wanted to put a translator inside you" said Yondu. 

"What's that" I asked. 

"It's a device that helps you learn other languages. You take out part of your ear and put it there so it connects to your brain" said Yondu. 

"Is that why everyone has a metal ear here" I asked. 

"Yep, however it doesn't work the same for everyone. Some people learn differently" said Yondu. 

Fair point. Although I thought everyone just had hearing aids. 

"Get some sleep Pete. And don't you worry about those guys. I'll be sure to have a chat with them" said Yondu. 

I did later get some apologies. I became fluent in Centaurian language and was able to speak to other aliens in that language. However I did go threw testing to get a translator but I never got it put in. Instead I put it in a box with the letter that Yondu left with it. When I met the guardians I didn't speak other languages and had to explain I don't have a translator. For the most part no one cared. 

I sat in my ship after saving Xandar from Ronin. I held the box in my hand and looked at it. Getting the translator put in my ear still scares me. I signed and opened the box. The translator was still there in perfect condition with the letter. 

'So, when you're ready, you can decide when to put the translator in. Just remember that there is nothing to be scared of. People ain't always right. Sign, your father.' 

I looked at the translator again. I grew up scared of it because people always act like alien tech is bad or the devil. Honestly, I'll probably always be scared. However I shouldn't let that stop me anymore, right?

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