way to fan -meeting

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Cold Weather"

Where are you going? " home". Why so early?
Don't tell me you forget?
We need to buy the fan-meeting tickets. What is the time? "8:20". God we have 40 minuts to reached home.

9:00 pm they will publish the tickets. We need to get the vip line.

Reached at home.
"Rose" give me glass of Water, let me get the tickets.
Sitting in the bed infornt of laptop praying.

Omo, why people so fast, 12 sits left in vip hurry up.
Rose control,

Ahhh omo no no, card is not working in this important time. 7 sits lift......... 2 second of silence. My Heartbeat become fast.

We get the tickets.
Aaaahhaha!ahahahah lalalalaalal,
Aaaaa "smiling" while crying it will be my first fan - meeting.
I take a deep breathe.

Give a Gentle look at rose, what? Why are you looking at me like that. I'm so happy.
Take me to shopping. :) i see
Okey we will go tommorow. But Fan - meeting will held tommorow night, a bit far way from our place, we must need 5 hours to reached there. Ohh yhh, we will buy in the noon. Okey

At midnight,
Walking to my room she saw me crying so loud. She know why I'm crying........ Do you wanna know?
You will know later,

The next day we went to shopping. We already buy our stuff 1 week ago now we need shoe for match our fan-meeting dress.
While walking through supermall, we feel that the mall have a little people. But we Don't distract for this. We saw pretty shoes and we bought it.
I went to washroom in the mall. And rose buy shoes.

Mam, this is your shoes,
Rose" thank you.
I come back and going to leave the mall. In mall door we saw huge crowd. Stuff saying us to not leave. But i say we have a urgent meeting we need to go.
Stuff saying it will make a big scandal for idol cause some idols come to buy here.

"In my life time" I always wanted to meet idol accidentally but today we both are not happy. But a bit nervous after hearing about idol. We sit for 1 hour then ask if we can leave, idols still doing shopping.
Aaaa now It's making me angry.
Waiting...... 1 and half hour, now I'm getting nervous cause we need to reached in the time. We ask the stuff they still say no.
Aaaaaaaaah It's not acceptable now. So i told rose that get ready we will run now. Okey

Sure unnie.
Some stuff went to others direction. In that moment we rush to the door, 2 tall boys wearing masks come out suddenly and we hit by them fall in the floor. We stand up in hurry and get surprise cause all the people start clicking photo of us, who care" we both just care about our meeting. Because of our active body we push and run.
I saw the time, It's 4:00 already. God
The fan- meeting will started at 8:00 pm. We are already 1 hour late. So we rush to a cab and get it.

Praying while going to my dream destination. Please god please. Just a hug I'm asking for.

We Reached at the fan-meeting hall.
Get off from cab we rush to the door, stuff say you can't go the room is already full. We say" we have vip tickets"
So why you late.
We can't do anything you can just saw from backend.
My heartbeat drop.

Flash back.......2024
To be continue.......

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