Cp 3) end of my 1st fan meeting

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Present time,
stuff let me stand in the backend cause vip line fans finished meeting with sun jae. Next line is going to meet him. There is nothing we can do. At least we see him.

Inner me! Cursing those mall idols. Watching sun jae with sorrowful eyes. I click photos of the event. Rose shout out, "have a look".

" omo omo omo, wait what! Our photo attached with those 2 mall idols". In that article It's written that we had a romantic mall date. Our face clearly showed and falling photo when we hit them unintentionally.

"Do you know what is the worst thing?". This article got 2 milions views.

I look at rose she look at me. We lough like hell.
In my life time i feel that, this is the first time my prayer hit so fast. We always view idol scandal posts,articles. But never be in it.

I was happy to saw that, because of them i can't reached to my sun jaeeeeeeeee. Inner me, crying.....

They should suffer a bit. It can't help me to heal but they deserve it.

We get to know from the stuff that sun jae have another fan meeting next week, near at our place. We are so happy. Feel sorry for my vip tickets. 🙂 I will never be late anymore.

After a few minut later i got a call).......
Ammu called me, mmm ammu I'm okay right now I'm in my dream destination. So I'm supper happy.
What happen to your voice liz?
Ammu i got flu so It's sound like that,
"Take care of yourself. You better love yourself no matter what happen".
Okey ammu.
I was crying in that time cause I'm badly hurt i can't meet my love. Rose let me cry cause she know how bad I'm feeling in that time.

Some minutes past,
Some girls approach from the event. To go karaoke with them. We say yep sure, it will happen next week 1 day before sun jae's fan-meeting.

We return home.
And our those days passed as usual cause we Don't go outside. We take day off for the event. And also afraid to be caught by those idols fans.
Karaoke day!
We reached at the place wearing mask.
Hi, girls. Come here, liz and rose. They know our name cause whole weeked we talk about sun jae and others kdrama topic. We sit and talking with others friends too.

I'm a good Singer they Don't know so me and rose sing. They are shocked but appreciate it. In last one of there friend ask while showing phone.
It it you and her beside them.
No, noo how can we be with them.
Girls, we need to leave now. We have work at home.
We kind a feel that someone take our photo.

We call a cab and reached at home.
What should we do now? 🥺 Don't worry unnie. We will see later.

Next day!
I wake up and rose making breakfast. I have a look at my phone and a News pooped up.
Omomo omo omo, rose rose
What? Come here have a look, It's a article written those 2 idols girlfriend's are pretty Close. Go everywhere together and both of them sing so well.
"Are they are any Trainee idol"? And they added our last night photo and a video while we singing a English song.

I look at rose and she say," liz, we are finished".
Yaaa Don't overthink it. We are fine. Now we have a great tension about how can we go to fan-meeting.
If anyone caught us.

Past time)
Unknown boy with black cloth...

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