Meanwhile, In Space.

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Somewhere on the surface of the Moon facing the earth...

The lunar surface, due to its self-rotation speed and its orbit around the Earth, always faces the Earth with the same surface.

This is due to the Lunar Recalibration(LRA1) project that took place a few million years ago, in which a projectile with optimised dimensions crashed onto the surface of the Moon, changing its rotation and orbit position. Enabling the construction of monitor stations and special forces checkpoints that ensures stable surveillance and swift deployment of strike forces to resolve issues within the Outerlands.

Through the 19th to 27th century, the OIC(Outerlands Influence Command) had to move various bases underground to ensure the discretion of the Empire's existence. However, as the OIC failed more and more to prevent and resolve the wars and such caused by the Outlanders due to their psychological complexity, technology eventually obscured space from the Outlanders, making the lunar surface available for the OIC bases again.

During the subterranean age in the Outerlands, supplies and advanced medical equipment had been in constant shortage, in which the OIC, with a resolve to aid the Outlanders in any way they can, had been insistent and unrelenting on the expansion of the OIC lunar complex to an extent that, at the height of the surreptitious resources aid operations, troops, specialised and restricted portal stations, as well as entire command centres had been deployed to the lunar city of Beake, located on the darkside of the moon. When the Outlanders finally finished their "break" and returned to the above ground 2 million years ago, terrestrialization projects and other constructions had mostly restored the Earth to what it had been like at the dawn of mankind. Today, the lunar surface only consists of 3 manned stations, LS1, 2 and 3. All of them are enormous complexes stretching from one side of the moon to the other across the moon's core, for ease of communication, supplication, and troop deployment. Ofcourse, the LS classed bases are supported by numerous smaller autonomous observation stations across the moon, which also projects camouflage measures and wormhole deviation loops across the entire moon, to avoid detection by even the keenest Outerlands observer with advanced equipment.

Or so the general thinks as he walks along the marble and intricately decorated corridor of LS1, the command centre of command centres. The turbo rotation complex at the core of the moon induces artificial gravity that makes it looks as if you are constantly walking slightly uphill. He sighed as he pings an announcement to his command team with his thoughts, his subconscious directing another thought to the station's computer mainframe as his hands reaches through the marble walls that turned liquid on contact, retrieving a blue tinted glass touchpad outlined with a nano frame of pure gold, checking the preparation progress as he walks. He directs various commands into the touchpad as neurons in his brains sparkles with both input and output, conjuring up hologram of the target person of the mission that hovers on his right, and a live 3D interactive footage of the target's situation on the pad, the visual recognition graphics pointing to various points of focus to organise the information according to his thoughts and observation points.

He keeps a live input of the target's current psychological and physical sense as well as computer analysations in his thoughts as he enters a polished red door into the OIC central mission command, bustling with the white robes of the operators that were knitted with opal threads(micro chains of opal stones that has a silky yet hard texture when accumulated) various of them has strings of bright yellow or green light running across their sleeves, the signs of nanobots that were stored there, in which they can form various gadgets when summoned, they are currently contributing to the user's mental capacity while glowing idly on their sleeves.

The general walks to his direction platform amidst the glowing hologram projection tables, screens, chairs and bustling operators. Motioning to one of them as he passed by, the general asked "Report target status."

"Calibration complete, positioning complete, analysations complete. All psychological states are optimised and confirmed by Infinity. Subject ready to deploy, all units confirmed and ready."

"Acknowledged," he says "I want the NX forces on standby and Skorzeny troops at launch point immediately."

Upon these words, a silence descends upon the central command as a hum of excitement courses through the operators at their various posts.

Smiling, the general walks onto the direction platform with swift authority. Pointing his arms and fingers straight in front of him, he says the command that starts the mission.

"All units, this is Canarial central command, status: one-one-O'-three, at standby with integrity. All systems are optimal, support optimal. Report confirmation."

A clear and sharp voice says from the ceiling, "Confirmed."

"This is central command, mission designation: Skorzeny force one, two, and four. NX backup, three."


A shiver goes down the general's back as he says the words that marks the start of the project that has the entire Empire watching.

"All units, this is central command, you are free to commence. May the Canaries fly with you."

"S-K-one, acknowledged."

"S-K two, acknowledged."




On the grey surface of the moon, a slight disruption stirs up some jagged dust that reflects the sunlight as 7 dark grey craft shoots forward, accelerating to mach 6 in the first 3 milliseconds.

Their destination the Baltic sea.

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