A Guide to Skydiving Through Burning Planes

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The fate of the talons of unit 3 were sealed the moment the first bullet exited the barrel of Andrew's machine gun.

The projectiles of steel, splattering the unstable engines, were the last straw on the camel. As the flaming engines crashed onto a burning plane below, they exploded, disrupting the air currents, allowing the wreck to "float" in the air for a while. The shockwave of the explosion gravely winded Andrew even with all his protection on due to his distance from it.

The aircraft wing the APC was on shielded them from the worst of the heat and shrapnels as the body of the burning aircraft slammed into them. But it was not enough to block the current of flame and the various white hot pieces of metal that seared past them, burning the parachute to cinders. The armour of the APC was singed black and trailing with dust, but is otherwise still relatively intact. The wing is reduced to a literal skeleton of its frame, only a few strands of metal supports that bent according to the wind, tearing away from beneath the vehicle.

Cikagn sighed, as he took in the damage with a glance. Signalling to Seb to secure Andrew onto the roof, he opened his communication, "Talon three, Amy, damage report."

"This is Talon three, damage report, no serious damage obtained, vehicle armour integrity reduced to ninety-percent, over."

Cikagn looked down at the sea of bodies, they were now freefalling towards the enemy, with no way of slowing their speed. They have been trained with techniques to absorb impact even from ridiculously high grounds, and much more. However, with the attack in the sky, the speed and conditions they are falling in, they would be immobilised for sometime after they land, their blood vessels needing some time to dissipate the stress from the impact. The time they spend lying gasping on the ground would be enough to get stabbed to death by the sea of enemies they were about to land in.

He realised the only thing they can do.

They are born to the Falcon, and they shall hail the Falcon.

Which means contributing what little they have, even their lives.

In a resigned tone, he broadcasted his voice.

"Andrew, Seb, Amy, we are talons, and our lives are meaningless anyways without the organisation. Right now, we will be killed by the guys below before we manage to reciprocate from the fall," said Cikagn calmly, "so we'll show them who's boss, by killing as many people possible as we land." he swallowed, "strap yourselves to as many explosives as possible. Amy, after you activate all explosives in the car, come up here with all the spare grenades and anything that explodes you can find. Seb, arm the explosives and time them for impact."

Cikagn paused again, feeling the shock emanating from his family. "We will jump as far from the car as possible, to spread our damage, and in different directions as well, so we can destroy more area." smiling, he continued, "guys, it's been a good life, I've got no regrets, except perhaps that Andrew is unconscious during our last moments. I'm happy to contribute myself to the Falcon, and I am proud to die as a Talon that had a purpose, don't you agree?"

There was silence.

Cikagn can feel the tears streaming down the faces of his family.

It was Seb who broke the silence.

"No," he said firmly, "Talon one, there's got to be another way. And there is, we have the ejection systems on our boots. We'll get through this."

"Seb, Andrew is injured, and with the speed we are falling, it'll take more than a round of ejection boost to slow our fall enough."

"Cid, Amy, I am injured on my arm, and Andrew is half dead, we'll give you guys our ejection gear. Skydive into the army, fire your boost once in the air when you feel you have gained too much speed, and fire it again at touchdown. You will probably survive like this. I willingly sacrifice myself for my family, and I'm sure Andrew would say the same if he is conscious."

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