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Aris... Aris... ARIS!

My love, why do you run away from me?

You haven't come to see me in days, have I done something wrong?
My little puppy, where did you disappear to?
Those infernal noises that keep me awake, no, really, I haven't slept since I woke up, impossible, a fear gnaws at me.

Maybe in reality this world is fiction and I'm still dreaming. All I know is that I can't move my arms, I still have this garment trapping them. Only my legs can move, so I walk in circles waiting for you to return. I'm full of sadness when the door doesn't open for you. Come back to me, I'll be nicer to you, I promise. Sitting cross-legged in front of the door so I can see you coming. I've even stopped eating to worry about you coming to take care of me. My love, are you going to let me die? No, I don't think so. Aris... Don't let me die if you're no longer in love, I'll make you love me a thousand times more in my dreams, I just wish I could go back to sleep and hold you in my arms. Aris without you I lose my bearings.

Why don't I try to run away? Well, because you're here and wherever you are, I'll be. I'd follow you like your shadow, because even locked up my obsession for you can't be caged, it even bursts out of my body to devour you. Aris, please open this door and appear before me. Why are you so long. Have you found someone else to share your life with? I refuse, I'll steal you from the world to prove you belong to no one but me.

Little puppy comes back so I can squeeze your pretty little neck, like I used to, I know you used to love it. If you punish me this long, I'll have to do the same for you.

Aris... I'm sorry, my words exceed my thoughts, I promised not to hurt you again, come and see me my love. Will you reward me if I stay here quietly? I look through the tiny window in the door to see if I can see you, but it's so dark. Where am I, this place scares me? The only source of light is those bulbs above my head that only flicker, as soon as they go out, darkness envelops me. I need to hear your voice, I want to hear it so you can guide me on the right path. Aris... Why have you changed so much? You must love me, stay with me, my mind keeps showing me images of you with another. I'd like it to go away, but even if I bang my head against the walls, it stays and scrolls like a screen that refuses to turn off before my eyes. I was tied up by force, because he thought I was hurting myself. You didn't come... Have you forgotten me? If that's the case, then I mustn't leave here and find you. But why am I locked up here? What's my crime?

None of it was real, my imagination was so wild. That I'd built a world for myself, where I could and would have anything I wanted.

It all seemed so real, but reality lay before me.

White walls and a bright, almost dazzling light. A woman who wasn't mine. Or who's making me believe it isn't to punish me.

What am I going to do when my punishment is over, my love?

You've come at last, you're no longer looking at me with love, but with fear, your gaze is chilling. No emotion on your face. Do you hate me?

When you come to see me, I have to be tied up or you won't enter the room, even with that, you're terrified.

Haven't we gone beyond that?

Are you no longer in love with me?

If this is your punishment for the wrong I've done you, I accept it, and I'll wait patiently for your forgiveness.

Even today, I can't move my arms, they're trapped in this garment. I shouldn't have tried to grab you by force.

But an explanation was in order.

You leave me in the dark, my love, why?

The door opens, with a dry, metallic creak, you appear, I look behind you.

You're on your own.

That gorilla, who thinks he's a nurse, isn't here.

You come in and put down your equipment, then turn to me.

- Love, how are you today?

I watch you without moving from the bed on which I was sitting cross-legged. You needed space. I had to leave you some. You'd make the first move towards me, I'm sure, because you love me Aris.

You can't live without me.

I didn't answer your question, I just watched you. You stared at me intensely, I was sure your body was crying out for me.

I take my eyes off you and look around the room.

- I'm being punished, aren't I, little puppy?

His eyes leave me and settle on the lunch tray.

- Love, you're going to have to eat. Otherwise we'll have to put you on an intravenous drip.

She ignored my question, who was this woman in front of me, who was I to her?

- Aris, don't you love me anymore?

She murmurs as she moves closer, but keeps her distance.

- Love listen to me, I don't know how you learned my name, but I want you to know that we have no relationship whatsoever.
You arrived on the ward 2 years ago for specific reasons. But know that I'm not your wife.

- This is your way of punishing me, if you'd just explain to me the reason, why you're playing doctor and I'm a patient, I like sex games, but I'd have liked to have been told, even though you look really sexy in that outfit my little puppy.

Her arms cross over her chest, bringing up her magnificent, voluminous breasts.

- Why don't you take off that awful garment so I can take you up against that damn door. Aris, my love, look at the state you've got me in.

Her eyes drop to my pants, swollen with the excitement of seeing her again.

- Mister Braham, do you honestly think I'm going to give myself to a criminal like you? Don't make me laugh.
So far, I've been patient with you, but it looks like a correction is in order.

I smiled at her threat, got up and walked towards her, towering over her, she raised her head to look me in the eye. Her body reacted to mine, trembling at times. As I moved forward, she retreated so far that her body was pressed against the wall. My eyes slid over her lips, I couldn't hold back any longer, I had to devour them. As I leaned over her face. Her hand came to rest on my chest.

- Love... Don't do something you'll regret.

I smile, pressing my lips ardently to hers, she struggles, then finally capitulates, clinging to the straitjacket. Moans come from her mouth. As I pull away, I notice her face is flushed, her lips slightly swollen, her breathing had also quickened, she looked at me confused.

- My love, you never knew how to lie to me, now untie me.

She frowns, as if coming to her senses.

- Love, this isn't a game, you really are a patient in a psychiatric hospital. I'm your regular doctor. Please move.

Now untie me. What?
Impossible, I'm not crazy, she's punishing me? But why?
My eyes darkened, I felt myself losing my footing, the ground was coming dangerously close.

- Aris...

My body fell heavily to the ground.

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