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- Love, I've put you on a new drip because you're refusing to eat, and we only take it out when you agree to eat.

My eyes went to my forearm, which ached; I could feel the needle under my skin. They had tied me to the bed because I had repeatedly pulled the device from my arm.

- I'll stay with you today, Love, and we'll talk about what happened several days ago.

My eyes go up to the ceiling, I don't want to have a discussion, it was all a fucking dream, everything I came to was one long dream. A doctor, I was infatuated with my doctor, because I couldn't get out, I looked for a solution to escape and like a weakling, I chose dreams, I would have preferred never to wake up this reality is much too much to take. I want to die if it means I can find my little artist obsessed with me.

I can hear her moving around the room and then sitting down on a chair with a notebook in her hand.

- Explain to me what happened, what did you see? What did you see in your dreams Love.

I simply cast my eyes back to the ceiling without answering. Was it because I was shocked that reality had come back to bite me in the ass? Obviously, everything was far too easy in this world I'd created from scratch. Besides, why can't I go out? Normally, no matter what crimes you commit in a psychiatric hospital, are you allowed to leave your room? No, it wasn't a room, but rather a cell. And you, Aris, you imprison me without giving me any answers. You're not my docile little puppy, you're nobody, just a faceless body asking me incomprehensible questions.

My heart aches. Where's the one I love? Can I replace her with you? Can I make you mine again in this reality? I want you to. No matter what world you're in, you belong to me, you're mine Aris Danger no matter what job you do no matter if you love me or not, you're my obsession and I can't let you slip away like that.

She was watching me, waiting for an answer, I'd like to touch her again, huffing as I crossed her legs, her skirt not very long, my glimpse of her little red panties. I smile as I lick my lips, she notices and squeezes her legs.

- If you untie me, I'll answer your questions, Doctor Danger.

I take on my most innocent look, she raises her eyebrows in surprise then undoes the straps holding me down. I wonder how I'm going to get her to spill the beans other than by threatening her.

I sit down opposite her with a smile on my face.

- You know, Doctor, I often imagined my perfect life as a teenager.
You see, I grew up in an orphanage and never knew my mother.
Yet I became attached to a monster who shaped me in such a way that I follow in her footsteps.
She taught me many things, but the one thing I've always learned is not to trust someone you barely know.

She opens her eyes wide, realizing her mistake, so I grab her and swap places with her on the bed.

- It's a shame you didn't tell anyone you were coming to see me today, my love.

Her eyes were plunged into mine. She didn't let anything show, totally different since I'd kissed her a few days ago. Rising to my feet, I made my way over to the maid where her equipment lay. A scalpel! I smiled as I moved closer, standing over his body. Observing his face and caressing it, the scar on his cheek was not there. This proves to me once again that I had been dreaming.

- Aris, do you really not love me? The answer you give will depend on my actions.

- Love, put down that scalpel, if you want answers, I'll give them to you.
But don't make it worse for yourself.
I simply wish to heal you so that you can return to a normal life.

I squint unconvincingly.

- Do you know how it all started between us, my little puppy? No, I'll show you.

Scalping my cheek, it begins to bleed profusely.


Her face was twisted in pain, she was moving in all directions trying to free herself, I was still standing over my little puppy watching her. Eventually, I leaned over and licked the dripping sans. Tears were starting to run down her sweet face, oh no my love don't cry, I only did this for you, you're much prettier with it on. Touching my cheek, I notice that my scar is still there. So it's not a dream? Aris gave me this scar, so I've been in reality all along?

- My love, look at me.

Her eyes were turned away from me, she stared at the door as if waiting for someone to come and deliver her. I smiled at her, with love and envy. I grabbed her.
chin to force her to look me straight in the eye.

- Aris, tell me the truth, or I'll have to keep going until you spill the beans.


she screamed, tears streaming down her face, breaking my heart, but I had to go on. She didn't want to say anything, so the tour was going to loosen her tongue.

- You've gotten better at lying, my love.

She grimaced at the nickname. Why had she played with me like that, was it torture to know she was away from me? I tore open her blouse with the scalpel, her magnificent breasts presenting themselves before me, she wasn't wearing throat underwear. I bite my lower lip, anchoring my eyes in hers.

- Your body is as gorgeous as ever, my love, but I feel there's something missing.

- Love please calm down, untie me so we can talk calmly.

I tilt my head to the side as I slide my fingers over her nipples, her body jerking under my touch, she wanted it, I could feel it.

- I prefer to leave you tied up. It was earlier that I wanted answers now, I just want to fuck you. I've missed this far too much to wait another second.

I smile, admiring her little body from where mine originates.

- You know from the start, you've been the object of my torment from the moment I saw you, I had to make you mine, her beautiful eyes must look only at me.
I'm going to make sure you remember it in this world too.

I pass the scalpel over her skin to draw initials deep enough so that it never fades again. She moaned in pain as she moved in all directions.
I continued to do this in different places, licking each mark as her skin began to heat up, and blood dripped from each wound. What a masterpiece.

I move my tongue up her chest, licking and sucking.

- Let's do it, my love. Seeing how your nipples are hardening, do you want it as much as I do?
Let's start with foreplay, I know you love it.

I undo the button on my pants, my cock pops out and finds itself between her breasts. Her eyes open in surprise.

- You've always loved her, her size, you'll feel nothing but pleasure my little puppy.

- Love, My love, you're right, I lied, untie me so we can have some fun together.

I looked at her skeptically, she had just called me by the nickname she always gave me when she wanted something from me. Should I trust her? She flickers her eyes, biting her lower lip. Stop doing that my love, you know how it turns me on.

I undo the straps, watching her every move, ready to react if she's fooled me. My little puppy straightens up, letting her eyes trail over my body, especially my cock.

- What are you waiting for to kiss me, Mister Braham?

My lips stretch into a smile as I hear this phrase, it was our favorite game. I move closer to her, grabbing her waist to press her against me, and throw myself greedily onto her lips. She responds immediately to my kiss.

As my hands slide from her waist to her buttocks, a sharp pain grips my neck. I feel my body grow heavy, then fall to the mattress.

- Bitch.

Obsessive Control ( Under publishing contract ) Where stories live. Discover now