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  • Dedicated to Diana Ragsdale

Plz give me feedback. I luv to hear from my fans. I also want to hear what i'm doing wrong or what i might need to change. I crave ur opions!!!! So don't be afraid to scream at me in a comment saying i need to change this and that. Although its up to me whether i change it or not, i liked to know what u think. Thanx for reading and hope u like it!!!!!! (P.S. plus i wouldn't mind some nice comments too!)

“Emily, calm down!”, Megan pleaded. A new fit of giggles began. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Megan and Katie shake their heads. I stretched my arms across their shoulders, dramatically limping over my bruised toe which i had stumbed on the sidewalk moments ago. Tears, more of laughter then pain, speckled my face. “I told you to stop doing drugs.”, Katie said with a serous tone. Then with a giggle, added, “Just give hugs!” Our personal joke. I think the closest they’ve been to drugs, was a picture. Megan stepped away from us. She put her hand to her head in mock horror. “The giggle fever has tookin another!”

We continued to walk/limp down the street when a beat-up, musty green car road up.  The window slowly opened and the car came to a stop at the curve. “Lookin good ladies, just don’t let the cops catch ya.”, someone from the car yelled. I stopped, my face turning red. I looked down at my short red dress and matching heels. How dare he say something like that!  My dress was high and low enough in the right places not to show anything. Just my knobby knees and sun-burnt shoulders. Katie and Megan exchanged clueless looks. Of course they had no idea what he was saying, they came from good families. No drinking, no smoking. Heck, I find it a miracle that their parents let me hang out with them. I swiftly removed my heel and tomahawked it in the open car window. “I am not a hooker!”, I shouted. Forgetting the stupid pain in my toe, I stomped off dragging Megan and Katie along. Only then did they realize what he had been implying. 

I heard car doors slam and several feet hit the pavement. I took a peek behind me. The guy, actually more of a really toned, tall, and tan-ish man (Quite handsome if it wasn’t for all the tattoos) held my bright red heel. “Get them.”, he yelled at his three companions. Grabbing my friends, I half-ran, half-hobbled away. Finally the danger sunk through their skulls cause they started running on their own. We hadn’t ran far when a man, much like the one with my heel, came out from an alley and blocked our way. 

As I skidded to a stop, I fell. Someone roughly picked my up using the back of my dress. I straightened my dress, turning to see which rude guy it was. My eyes looked with distain to see the same man still holding my heel. “Who’s shoe could this be?”, he taunted. “Madams?” He gave us each a questioningly look even though it was obvious.  “I am Prince Brian! I have come for my Cinderella.”, he made his voice as smooth as honey. How cheesy, I thought as I rolled my eyes.  He knelt to the ground making a show of taking off Katie’s boot. Her feet were to big. Brian let out an over exaggerated sigh. "Hmmmmm. Maybe you?" Megan blushed as he slid her sandal off her foot. Darn, it didn't fit her either. Stupied smallness! Without a moments hesitation, he grabbed my reluctant foot and forced my heel on.  Perfect fit. "Well, well, well. My Cinderlla." They began to surround us.

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