Don't Go home!

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I'm updating again. Yeah!!!! I know your doing a happy dance whereever you are. I know I am. I just started to listening to some music (Pierce the Veil) and was like "Why don't I upload some more on my book?" and I am!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy it and aren't to mad i hadn't uploaded in awhile.

Emily’s P.O.V.

Great, now he knew who I was. Short, nerdy, pitiful mute Emily. And he was Dustan! Gang member, cool, Dustan. I didn’t stand a chance of him liking me. I shuddered as I reached my house. A normal looking, blue, one story house. The lawn neatly trimmed, and a little flower patch on the side. I opened my bedroom window, slowly crawling inside. Everything was quiet. (To quiet?) I silently shut the window when the lights snapped on. Mom gave me a nasty grin. “Where’ve you been!” I was to shocked to speak. Not tonight. She came over and took a fistful of my hair. “Where. Have. You. Been!” I struggled in her grip. “With my friends.”, I answered almost inaudible. "Ha!", she laughed. It turned from plain laughter to a really creepy laugh. She pulled my hair, dragging me out of my room and into the living room. “I’ve been with my friends!”, she mocked me using a high squeal like voice. She snickered at my Dad as he looked up from the TV. He laid stretched out on the couch, beer in hand, and a little confused. Oh yea, I didn’t have any friends. Nobody like me, as they had told me over and over again. “You have no friends.”, my Dads voice hardened as if he was confirming my thoughts. I pushed myself from my moms grasp. “I do too have friends!” Excitement flickered in their eyes. “Now, now, don’t tell lies.”, they said in a eerie unison. 

I screamed. “Stop! Stop! Stop, please, please stop!” My Dad ignored my pleas, only to press the lighter closer to my back. “You want it to stop?”, he finally teased in his own sick way. Through my sobs, I nodded. “Amy, get the knife.”, he yelled to my Mother. I shook my head again in horror. Not more blood, not again. I hated the stinging of the blade cutting through my skin and the blood slowly slipping my insides. “No?”, he mocked. “Then how about I give you a choice?” Not that game again. “Amy!”, he bellowed. “Pick something out of the closet!” For as long as I could remember, when things got to out of hand or painful, Dad would give me a choice. I always ended up taking the other choice out of sheer pain. The "Closet" had been a game my father made up a little over a year after he lost his job. The "Closet" held the most sluttest outfits that I was to wear. Sometimes I had to wear them for one of his friends or just for him. I shuttered. I had one to many memories with those outfits. 

I’m a coward. I stopped myself from crying. I shakingly dress into a girls school uniform. My belly showed since the shirt was three sizes to small. The skirt was short, I mean really short. My breathing turned ragged and heavy. I curled into a ball. I was ashamed. Dad came in. No! I didn’t want this to happen. “Stop, I change my mind!” I couldn’t stop shaking my head. I could smell his angry. In a split second, he had grabbed my arm and I felt a sharp slice. I saw the blood. I tottered a little at the site of it. I would never forget the pool of blood I saw the night the I was driven to the hospital because they had went to far. I looked away and saw him holding the knife. Its blade glinted from the light daring me to die. “No!”, he roared. He stomped out my room. I dropped off my bed and onto the floor in agony. Lush red flowered from my arm. I stumbled to the kitchen. I needed to stop the bleeding. I heard the door slam and someone walk behind me. I ignored them as I pressed the kitchen towel to my gash. I was busy with my arm until I could feel something warm and sticky on my feet. I whipped around and I’ll never for get what I saw. 

Authors Note- Guys.. and Girls, I need your help! I'm starting to worry that my chapters are to short??? Are they? I have been trying to make them longer, but i also have to keep the book orderly. Plz comment about it. Oh and i have never asked any of you to vote because to be honest i don't care if you do or don't, but I'm kinda understanding more about Wattpad and want to ask you to vote if you like this book. I'll upload either way, but it would be awesome if i got some votes  anyways ;) Thanx

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