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Someone knocked on the door. “Cinderella? You in there?” I quickly wiped away my tears recognizing Brian’s voice. “Go away!”, I yelled. “Open the door!”, He yelled back. I ignored him. “Cinderella?” I heard muffled voices. “Emily?” The voice was different. “Emily, its Caleb.” I quickly unlocked the door and opened it a little. Caleb’s face was right by the door. Taking his arm, I dragged him in with me, and locked the door. I sunked to the ground and Caleb sat beside me. I leaned on him and started crying. I hate crying. It makes me feel like a baby. Things scattered the ground. I moved uncomfortable because I had been sitting on a bottle of shampoo. “What happened in here?”, Caleb asked looking around the messy bathroom. I shook my head in confusion. “I do…. I mean, I don’t …. I mean, I don’t know.” Caleb hugged me tightly. I felt safe and eventually no more tears came. He wiped my cheeks, fixed my hair, and helped me up.  When I stepped out, I saw just how long I had been in there, the once sunny afternoon was now dark. I could hear Brian out in the hall arguing with someone. Caleb left me sitting on the bed. Caleb’s voice joined the others. Someone was pushed in the room. The boy yelled, “Let me out! Seriously this isn’t funny!” He banged on the door and frantically yanked at the door knob. It clicked, which I figured meant someone locked it. Great, we would be in here all night.

Dustan’s P.O.V.

“I got you one!”, Brian said excitedly. One what? Brian was one heck of a brother. Gang leader, drug dealer, hell there wasn’t anything he didn’t do. “She’s in there!”, he pointed in the dorm room. “She!?!  What are you thinking?! You could go to prison. Mom would freak out if she knew.” I was about to yell at him some more when Caleb came out. I sighed in relief. Caleb was smart, he knew some way to talk Brian out of this. Caleb and me met through the gang. Brian wanted someone with some brains instead of just muscle. Caleb had a both. Well sort of, I could beat him in a wrestling match anytime. Mom liked me hanging out with him because she thought he was a good influence. That’s how come were best friends. "Talk some sense into him!", I pleaded Caleb. Caleb opened his mouth to say something, but Brian barked "Shut up!" and that was the end of that. “I got her out of the bathroom.”, he mumbled before walking away. I turned to Brian, but before I could protest he pushed me in the room. I heard him lock the door. I pounded the door and hollered to get out. Finally I knew he wasn’t going to give up. I turned around in defeat. Awkward moment. A girl about my age sat on the bed staring at me. It was obvious from her red cheeks she’d been crying. I couldn’t see her that clearly though because of the dark.  Her bangs covered her eyes. “Hi.”, she squeaked. If I had been in a better mood, I would have laughed. It was pretty funny. I started apologizing to her. I felt guilty for having such a horrible brother. “Its okay”, she consoled. She seemed nice, not like any of the tramps most of the gang dated. I started talking to her. She listened and chatted back. “Did you see that diamond on Cody’s wrist?”, I asked. She nodded. “He got a girl pregnant. He broke up with her, but still keeps in contact with his daughter. The diamond is for her.”, I explained. You talk to much, I scolded myself in my head. We were busy talking about cheeseburgers. She has never tried one. Not that she was a vegetarian or anything.  She said she just didn’t think she’d like them. Brian walked in. His smirk became rage as he saw us. He pushed me off the bed and leaped on the girl. “Brian stop! Stop! Brian!”, I yelled while pulling him with all my strength. He wouldn’t budge. “If your not going to, I will!”, he growled. Still tugging on his arm, I argued, “I just wanted to get to know her better! We were just going to……” I looked away ashamed now that the girl knew why we were both locked in here. Brian grabbed her hair and she let out a gasp. “Is that true?”, he asked pulling her long hair a little. “Yes.”, she whimpered. He rolled off her and got off the bed. Before leaving, he warned me, “If you don’t, I will.” He slammed the door shut.

Emily’s P.O.V.

I hugged myself. The guy walked over to me. “I’m sorry.”, he said for like the third time. He sat next to me. I  scooted closer to him and rested my head on his chest. We stayed quiet for a long time. I heard the door unlock again and I jumped atop of him. I tangled my hands in his hair and pulled us together. Are lips met within seconds and with out meaning to, so did are tongues.  I listened as the door open and close in satisfaction. I pulled away and laid beside him. Hopefully, Brian would be contented with that and wouldn’t come back. “Sorry.”, the boy repeated. Suddenly, annoyed at him, I pushed him off the bed.  *Thud* “Oww! What was that for?”, he complained. I looked over the edge of the bed down at him. “Stop saying sorry!” I held my hand to stop him from saying so for saying sorry. He reached out his hand. I grabbed it to help him up, but he swiftly pulled me down. “Hey!”, I said startled. He pulled me up on his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist. I didn’t hear the lock? He cupped my face gently and brought it closer. Oh well! I could feel his hot breath on my skin.  A shiver ran down my spine. “Wait no!”, I accidentally said aloud. Shut up, Emily!!!! No this is what Brian wants. That complete jerk is not going to get what he wants! His hands left my face, leaving me with a cold feeling. “Not for Brian.”, I tired to explain. Still disappointed, but understanding, he stood up. He went over to the door, putting his ear to it. “He’s listening.”, He whispered. 

Dustan’s P.O.V.

She kissed me! So what if it was so Brian would go away. I wanted her to kiss me again. But I understood her point even if it crushed me to agree. I got up walking to the door. As I put my ear up to it, I could hear Brian on the other side. It was kinda pervish. You couldn’t pick your brother. If I had a choice I’d be an only child. I huffed. I know I’m acting like a three year-old, but he had really gone to far this time. Kidnapping a girl! Trapping us in a room together and trying to make us have sex! “Were going to escape.”, I whispered in determination. She raised her eyebrows. I nodded towards the sealed windows. I could probably break out, but Brian would be sure to catch us with all the noise. I had to make him we were doing it to get him to leave. Then I could break the window and he wouldn’t hear. “Start moaning.”, I told her.

Emily's P.O.V.

Start moaning? “Mmmm”, I mumbled. He sighed. “Come here.” He guided back to the bed and I sat down. He sat behind me. I shifted uncomfortable as he placed his hands on my shoulders. He moved his hands up to my neck and started massaging. I stood perfectly still not used to a guy touching me like this. “Lay on your stomach.”, he commanded. I did as he said. Practically sitting on me, he put more force in. My muscles started to relax. Wow, he was good. Before I could think, a moan escaped my lips. I was so glad it was to dark to see the embarrassment on my face. He could be a professional. He started to pant, his hands getting tired. I tried not to giggle as I thought about what Brian thought he was hearing. A little later, he stopped. I suddenly got a chilling feeling, wishing he hadn’t. He silently crept over to the door. “He’s gone.”, he confirmed. Grabbing a nearby lamp he slammed it against the window. I jumped, falling off the bed in surprise. “Come on.”, he urged, grabbing my hand and helping me out of the window, avoiding the shattered glass. “Wanna walk me home.”, I teasingly asked. Without an answer, he grabbed my hand again and followed me.

“Shit!”, I murmured to myself. I couldn’t bring him home. Mom would beat me or at least Dad would. “I should walk the rest of the way on my own.”, I said, not giving in explanation. I could feel his disappointment, but then he shook it away. He pulled me close. We leaned forward and exchanged a brief kiss. I pulled back ready to leave when a light lit his face up. Dustan?!

Dustan's P.O.V.

“Emily?” This whole time I had been with Emily? “Du Dustan?”, she stuttered. “Umm I better go.” She turned around and started running away. I didn’t stop her. Emily? The head in a book, quiet as a mouse, Emily from school. The last girl I would have expected. I started walking back. I kinda, really, sort of liked her. I mean before I saw that it was Emily. That was so not the girl from school! That Emily never talked, always had a book, and couldn’t pull off heels like hers. This Emily was so much better. So exciting and mysterious! But both Emily’s were the same. I was going to have to think about this.

Just Me, Him, and His Best Friend (Revising!!!)Where stories live. Discover now