My Home

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Emily's P.O.V.

His brother! I tried not to think about it. “How did you find me?”, I asked Tina now pondering how she just randomly knew I was there. “Oh Honey, I’ve been knocking on doors all morning. When I went to pick you up your parents said you ran away.”, Tina explained. I studied her expression. Her mouth was set in a straight thin line. She was angry at them. Tina didn’t usually show her anger. Her eyes were dead set on the road which meant she was probably tearing up, not wanting me to see her because then we would both end up crying. “Its okay baby.”, she finally said and could tell by her soft smile that it was true. “What happened to your arm?”, she questioned. I grimaced at the bandage, thoughts of Dad cutting me and that Dustan helped me. “He cut me.”, I murmured hoping Tina wouldn’t pry further. I was wrong. Her eyes flew into anger again except she didn’t hold back. “Who? Who cut you?!” I looked out the window avoiding looking at Tina so upset. We both knew who had cut me. “Dad…”, I trailed after realizing she was actually waiting for me to answer. She let out a big sigh. I stole a glance at her. She was trying to calm herself. “You know your trials today. You ready to be free.” It wasn’t a question. It was more “I know your ready to be free, we’ve waited long enough.”. A small smile snuck on my lips and the tension faded. We stopped at Tina’s house for a change of clothes. I put a business shirt and matching skirt on. It hung loosely on me. We got in the car and started driving. We didn’t speak much. During the 2 hour drive, we started singing to the songs on the radio. We finally arrived. Thank God! Tia grabbed her briefcase that I had the suspicion was only for show. Holding my hand as if I was five, she guided into the large courthouse. 

“Miss. William’s, please take the oath.” I did as the judge instructed. The trial went smoothly. Tina pulled out pictures of my abuse. There were pictures of my bruises, my cuts, and the outfits from “the closet”.  Mom and Dad didn’t bother even sparing me a glance. I was dead to them.

The end finally dawned. Mom and Dad were found guilty, but they didn’t have to go to jail. No, instead they chose to just pay a big fine. “Miss. Williams.” I looked up at the judge. His black robe and defined features made you feel small and very insecure. “Yes?”, I said meekly. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen now. As if he could read my mind, he asked, “What are we going to do with you?” I gulped. “I have a place to stay.” Another deep breath. “I have a place or I mean a house….” Tina gave me the strangest look as if I was a little child making stories up, as did the Judge. Finally, after a long awkward pause, “You own a house?”, his loud voice questioned. “I…I haven’t finished paying off… off the mortgage, bu.. But yes I do.”, I stammered. The Judge thought awhile. “We will discuss this in my chambers. Court dismissed!” Everybody rose to leave except for me, Tina, and the Judge. Tina came over to me. “What do you mean, you own a house?!” I never thought to tell Tina about it before to be honest. I should have. “I’m sorry.” I couldn’t look her in the eyes.  “I got it three months ago.”, I mumbled trying to make up for my mistake. We walked to the Judge’s chambers. Shelves with billions of books covered the walls. Hmm, “Book of Law”, “Brittany’s How to make a Witness Squirm” ….. not for me. Most of the room was tookin up by a big desk and sofa.  The desk was scattered with a cluster of official-looking papers. Opposite of the desk was the big leather sofa.  I sat down. Not very comfy… The Judge folded and then unfolded his hands on the desk. “Now what about this house business?”, he finally responded. I couldn’t speak for a moment. It was as if someone sucked the breath out of my lungs. “Okay, Where is the house?”, he tried again. I forced myself to look him in the eye. “South Cole Street, 227. Its small, but it has a bathroom, kitchen, living room, and a bedroom. Everything I need to live.” He nodded. I relaxed a little. He continued, “How can you afford to buy a house? You must get the money some way or another.” I debated weather I should tell them or not. Tina sat anxiously probably wondering if I had turned into some kind of prostitute or something. “I’m in a band.” I waited for them to say something. Stupid, explain hoe you get money from being in a band! “We go to band contest or we get a gig or something, sometimes. I finally saved enough money up to get a loan for the house I had had my eye on.”, I choked out quickly. Big breath. “I have enough to pay for bills and other necessities.”, I added. Another big breath.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2011 ⏰

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