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POV: 1st Person

I excused myself gracefully from Ciel's side, citing the need for refreshments amidst the lively swirl of the ballroom. As I navigated through clusters of guests, the air alive with laughter and music, I inadvertently collided with Alois Trancy. My expression tightened momentarily at the sight of him, memories of our previous encounter at his estate still fresh in my mind.

"Lady (Y/N), what a delightful surprise," Alois greeted me with an exaggerated flourish, his tone dripping with feigned charm that bordered on insolence. His blue eyes sparkled mischievously beneath the brim of his hat, his smirk a testament to his love for trouble.

"Alois," I acknowledged coolly, keeping my voice steady despite the unease that flickered within me. "Fancy seeing you here."

He chuckled softly, a sound that grated on my nerves as he leaned in closer, his proximity too familiar for comfort. "Ah, but of course, where else would a gentleman of my stature be on such an illustrious occasion?" His gaze swept over me with an appraising look that made my skin crawl.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, opting instead for a polite smile that barely masked my displeasure. "I trust you're enjoying the festivities," I replied diplomatically, hoping to steer the conversation away from more contentious topics.

"Oh, immensely," Alois replied with exaggerated enthusiasm, his grin widening as he leaned in closer still, his breath too warm against my cheek. "Especially now that I've had the pleasure of running into you, my dear."

My patience wore thin at his relentless teasing and insinuations. "Alois, I would appreciate it if you could refrain from causing a scene," I said firmly, my tone leaving no room for misunderstanding.

He chuckled again, undeterred by my subtle warning. "My dear (Y/N), where's the fun in that?" His hand brushed lightly against mine, a touch that lingered just a fraction too long. "Besides, a little excitement never hurt anyone."

I withdrew my hand with deliberate calm, masking the unease that churned within me. "Perhaps not, but discretion can be equally thrilling," I countered, my voice laced with sarcasm.

Alois regarded me with a playful glint in his eyes, as if relishing the challenge of testing my patience. "Very well," he said with a mock bow, his smirk widening into a grin that bordered on insolence. "I shall restrain myself—for now."

With a parting glance that held more than a hint of provocation, Alois Trancy sauntered off into the crowd, leaving me to gather my composure amidst the hum of the ballroom. As I made my way to the refreshment table, I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that his presence would continue to cast a shadow over the remainder of the evening.

As I sipped on a glass of champagne, the effervescent bubbles tickling my senses, I found myself momentarily lost in the shimmering sea of faces and swirling melodies that enveloped the ballroom. The warmth of the drink provided a comforting distraction from the lingering unease that Alois Trancy's presence had stirred within me.

Just as I began to collect my thoughts, Maria's gentle hand on my elbow pulled me gently out of my reverie. "Milady," she murmured softly, her voice a soothing contrast to the lively chatter around us. "Are you all right?"

I turned to face her, offering a grateful smile. "Yes, Maria," I replied, setting my half-empty glass down on a nearby table. "Just a brief encounter with an old acquaintance."

Maria's brow furrowed with concern, her gaze searching mine for reassurance. "Shall I fetch Lord Ciel?" she asked quietly, her loyalty to both of us evident in her demeanor.

I shook my head gently, not wanting to disturb Ciel's conversation with other guests. "No, Maria, it's quite all right," I assured her, placing a reassuring hand on her arm. "I appreciate your concern, but there's no need to worry. I can handle it."

Maria nodded, though her expression remained thoughtful. "Very well, milady," she acquiesced, her tone tinged with a touch of hesitation. "Just remember, I'm here if you need anything."

"Thank you, Maria," I said sincerely, grateful for her steadfast presence and unwavering support. With a nod of acknowledgment, she stepped back slightly, allowing me a moment of solitude.

The sound of the trumpet cut through the ambient chatter, commanding attention like a call to arms. All eyes turned towards the Queen's associate, a figure of authority dressed impeccably in a tailored suit that exuded confidence and grace. His announcement resonated through the grand hall, carrying with it an air of formality that underscored the significance of the occasion.

"Ladies and gentlemen," his voice projected with a measured cadence, drawing the focus of the assembled guests, "it is with great pleasure that Her Majesty has graciously opened the royal gallery and gardens for your enjoyment."

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