Part 3 ''Garden of Dreams''

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A teenage girl, with a heart so sweet,

Tends a garden of dreams, where hopes take root and meet.

Her spirit is a gardener, that nurtures with care,

A sanctuary of possibility, where dreams blossom and share.

Her laughter is a sprinkle, of sunshine on the ground,

A gentle rain that nourishes, the dreams that she's found.

Her eyes sparkle like dew, on petals so delicate and bright,

Reflecting the beauty, of a heart that's full of wonder and light.

With every step, she tends the soil with love,

A garden of dreams, that flourishes from above.

Her heart beats with imagination, with a soul so free and clear,

A teenage girl, with a garden of dreams that banishes all fear.

Her soul is a greenhouse, where dreams take root and grow,

A garden of dreams, that blooms and flourishes in tow.

She tends with passion, with a heart so bold and true,

A teenage girl, with a garden of dreams that's a wonder to view.

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