Part 7 ''Shining Starlight''

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A teenage girl, with a heart so bright,

Shines like a star, in the dark of night.

Her spirit sparkles, like diamonds in the sky,

A celestial beauty, that catches the eye.

Her laughter is a melody, that echoes near,

A joy so infectious, it banishes all fear.

Her eyes gleam like starlight, with a gentle grace,

Reflecting the beauty, of her soul's sacred space.

With every step, she lights up the way,

A guiding star, that shines brighter each day.

Her heart beats with compassion, with love so true,

A shining starlight, that shines bright and new.

Her spirit is a beacon, that shines so bold,

A teenage girl, with a heart that's made of gold.

She sparkles like starlight, in the vast unknown,

A shining starlight, that forever will be known.

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