Part 8 ''Unbridled Spirit''

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A teenage girl, with a heart so free,

Unbridled spirit, wild and carefree.

Her laughter echoes, a joyful sound,

A soul that soars, without a bound.

Her dreams are vast, her hopes are high,

She reaches for the sky, with a heart full of try.

Her spirit runs wild, like a mustang's grace,

Unbridled and untamed, with a beauty in its pace.

With every step, she takes her stand,

A force of nature, with a heart in her hand.

Her soul is a flame, that burns bright and true,

A teenage girl, with a spirit that shines through.

Her heart beats with passion, with a fire so bright,

A spirit that cannot be tamed, day or night.

She runs with the wind, with a soul so free,

A teenage girl, with an unbridled spirit, wild and carefree.

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