Part 6 ''Melody of Youth''

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A teenage girl, with a heart so light,

Sings a melody, of joy and delight.

Her laughter is music, that fills the air,

A symphony of happiness, beyond compare.

Her spirit is a songbird, that takes flight,

A soaring melody, that shines so bright.

Her eyes sparkle like diamonds, with a radiant glow,

Reflecting the beauty, of a heart that's aglow.

With every step, she dances to the beat,

A rhythm of youth, that skips and repeats.

Her heart beats with enthusiasm, with a passion so true,

A teenage girl, with a melody that shines through.

Her soul is a harmony, of hope and grace,

A melody of youth, that fills the space.

She sings a song of promise, of dreams yet to come,

A teenage girl, with a melody that's won.

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