V: Camp

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When we arrived to his camp, everyone stared at me and Percy. I did not bother to try and decipher their snowflake feelings, or to react to it.

Annabeth saw us and ran into Percy's arms as soon as he jumped off the horse.

"Percy!" she called, as if they'd been years apart.

Her lips met his passionately, Percy's arms wrapping around her delicate hips and lifting her up. I stared at them in disbelief and mild nausea. That wasn't being lost in their own world: they were galaxies away from me. Love was that wonderful, huh? After their smooching became too embarrassing to keep watching, I cleared my throat.

She pulled away from him, her face pink with excitement and embarrassment both. A little disgusting if you ask me. She turned to me, offering her hand for me to shake. Hesitantly, I did so.

"I'm, uh, Annabeth Chase." she announced, although I already knew that.

"Yes, I know." I mumbled, letting go of her hand. I'd had quite the encounters with her during the Titanomachy.

From what I knew, she was basically Percy's brain. I'd met her first on Princess Andromeda, when they'd been captured and fooled Luke with the Fleece. Immediately, she'd striked me as a girl whose words spoke ten times louder than her actions. But Luke had an enormous weak spot for her. So I'd helped her escape, under his command.

After that, and seeing her fight more than once, I realized that she was more than that. She did fight for what she loved, and wasn't bad at it, at all. I ended up helping her more than once, although she was on the wrong side.

"I'm really sorry for your loss." she said, bowing her head to me guiltily. "We built a pyre for your broth-"

Before she could finish, a figure I knew all too well rushed into us, interrupting her. Chris Rodriguez huffed, as if he'd ran from quite some distance, and some yards away stood the angry silhouette of his girlfriend, Clarisse.

"Erica!" he panted. I eyed him with a sneer. "I'm sorry about your brother, and like, if you'll stay in camp, uhm, our, uh, relationship–"

Relationship made me scowl. I frowned at his rushed words, that begged me to not ruin the fake reputation he'd built up in this camp. Like he'd been forced to join us. Like he didn't love the little power he was given. Like me and him had simply "broken up".

Like how he interrupted Annabeth, Percy interrupted him, except more violent, with the gift of a broken nose. Percy shook his hand as he retracted it, and as Chris covered his nose with a surprised yelp. Paces away, Clarisse seemed prone to haul herself at Percy and mauling him apart. Nonetheless, the cracking of his nose bridge satisfied something in me, and inevitably I found myself smiling.

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