VI: Half-Blooded

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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

I was glad when the yellow schoolbus came. It was ridiculously large, providing enough seats for all of the demigods whose parents couldn't be bothered to pick up their kids. Annabeth was one of those kids. She waved goodbye to Percy, and sat at the back, next to some of her siblings. I sat by myself, on a window spot.

There I was, enjoying my little peace, when a tall scrawny kid invited himself to the empty place besides me. He looked like an elf, with sharp features and tricky blue eyes. His moppy black hair dangled around his forehead, covering about half of his eyesight.

But I remembered him. He was Connor Stoll, a son of Hermes, who tried to sneak me food while I was imprisoned here. When he couldn't sleep, he'd grab a glass of milk and come to the makeshift dungeon, sitting down besides me and talking about life to my responseless body.

He kept me sane, and for that I owed him a lot. For more than formalities and favors, there was also the fact that I liked him. He was the type of person you'd grow on easily, without even noticing. He was easygoing, funny, and most of all kind.

I smiled to him.

"Hey! I'll sit here, since it's empty." he declared. It was a statement, and he didn't even try to make it sound like a request. It sounded like he was narrating himself. "Or do you mind?"

"Does it matter if I do?"

"Of course it doesn't." he giggled, as he sat down and back, extending his legs and immediately starting to kick on the seat of whichever poor bastard seated in front of him. "What's up? I'm Con–"

"Connor Stoll. So we meet again." I said jokingly.

He cackled surprisingly loud, flailing around his hands. He had a pretty extreme body language.

"Fair enough, fair enough. Say no more, Erica Nakamura." he matched my energy as he proclaimed my name. Then, his face went serious. "But damn, nice memory you've got there!"

"You're hard to forget." I shrugged casually, shifting on the old leather seat.

"I'm built like the average skinny white american, I don't have special powers," he bobbed his chin at a son of Apollo who made his skin glow while his mates laughed. "and I'm not the most charismatic one out there."

"That doesn't matter." I answered. I was being honest, his soft sharpness separated him from the others. His laugh had made me smile secretly during those days. "You saw me."

He pursed his lips, scratching the back of his hair, cheeks roughly blushed with peach pink.

"Thanks, dude. Sounds nice to hear it from you." he muttered, smiling genuinely. There was something in his eyes I couldn't really identify.

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