VIII: Insanity

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The Manticore had gotten Annabeth easily, without any major struggle. We'd pushed her under the globe's weight, just as the hundred handed one succumbed to his lingering death.

"Luke, are you sure?" I asked, looking at Annabeth, struggling under the weight of the sky. She didn't have any strength to shift her stance, or to adjust her shoulders. The cartilage would bend and the bone would shatter under that amount of pressure.

"Believe me, I don't like it either, but it's necessary." he said, as he gazed somewhere else, unable to look at the girl.

"When you start breaking oaths," Ethan began, looking worried. "Is when things start going sideways."

"We all broke oaths." said Chris, with his lips pursed together. "Most of us."

Alabaster still stood there, looking at Annabeth. He seemed as comfortable about it as I did.

I looked at the blond girl moaning, and I made a decision.

"You should get going. We have to make some alliance with some weird sea god tomorrow, right?" I suggested, as I batted off some insect from Ethan's face. "You need rest."

"What about you?" Chris asked.

"Something is bothering me here. I want to figure out what it is." I said. I kissed Chris, and pushed him away. "I'll be fine, don't worry."

The quartet hesitantly looked back as they walked away, except for Luke. When they got lost in the fog, I made my way to Annabeth, throwing my backpack on the floor and taking off my jacket.

"Your posture is wrong. If you stand like that you'll shatter your shoulders and elbows. You need to adjust your knees, and your arms shouldn't be as spread out." I spoke quickly, tying up my hair. She and didn't bother to open her mouth or look at me.

I snapped at her face, obliging her eyes to meet mine as I bent down to remove some things from my bag.

"Ambrosia, nectar. I have an energy bar here as well, and a bottle of water." I offered, as I took them out and set them on the ground. "I want you to be quick and smart. Don't run away, you lack the energy to do so and you'll be impaled by some guard's spear."

I took a square of ambrosia myself, and kept it between my teeth.

"Out." I ordered, as I crouched down next to her. She tiredly stumbled out of the place, and it fell on my arms, crushing me under its excruciating mass. I knew I needed to push up while I had the energy to do so, so I wouldn't only bend further down. My knees burnt as I stood up, and it was hard to control the slow bending of my arms. My bones felt like they would snap if I kept going.

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